
Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Confusion mars Mazabuka MMD card-renewal exercise

Confusion mars Mazabuka MMD card-renewal exercise
By Charles Banda
Wed 28 Apr. 2010, 03:40 CAT

FRUSTRATION, lack of motivation and proper coordination in the MMD in Mazabuka has derailed the card-renewal exercise, MMD district vice-chairperson Takawira Mahere has said.

Mahere said on Sunday that the MMD in the district had postponed the card-renewal exercise three times because there were no party officials at branch level to attend the renewal exercise which was scheduled to take place last month.

“We have a serious problems in the district but these can be resolved. The provincial chairperson, Solomon Muzyamba is equally concerned with the state of affairs in Mazabuka and he called on me to find out why the card renewal had failed to take place but I told him the people organising the programme had not gotten back to me,’’ he said.

Mahere said some of the branch officials had resigned to join the PF-UPND pact while some senior party officials had lost interest in selling the party to the voters because of lack of motivation hence the difficulties the party had found itself in kicking off the card renewal exercise in the district.

Mahere said currently, the card-renewal exercise was being organised at the district Commissioner’s office with a few MMD cadres because people were not interested in working for nothing.

He observed that there was an urgent need for the MMD to devise proper programmes that were tailored at motivating frustrated party officials as the party prepared to go to the polls next year.

He said if the status quo were allowed to continue, the ruling party would perform badly in the general elections.

Mahere said most senior MMD party officials were frustrated to a level where they had stopped implementing party programmes because of what he termed as unfair appointments in government and in the foreign mission.

‘’We also need appointments, we have qualified people capable of running government operations at district, province even representing government in the foreign missions abroad but we are surprised that the appointments have been selective,’’ he said.

Mahere also urged the party leadership in the province to help the districts by providing finances for the holding of party card-renewal exercise instead of relying on donations.

Meanwhile Mahere has condemned the violence that has rocked Mufumbwe parliamentary by-election in North Western province.

Mahere said whether the violence was being perpetrated by MMD or the opposition, it should be condemned in the strongest terms as it breeds anarchy in the country.

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