
Thursday, April 01, 2010

‘Don’t politicise Sata’s visit to chief Sailunga’

‘Don’t politicise Sata’s visit to chief Sailunga’
By George Chellah
Thu 01 Apr. 2010, 04:01 CAT

CHIEF Nyakaseya of Mwinilunga district yesterday said PF leader Michael Sata’s visit to senior chief Sailunga, who was admitted in the University Teaching Hospital (UTH) should not be politicised.

Commenting on the criticism against Sata from certain quarters of society including House of Chiefs chairperson chief Madzimawe, chief Nyakaseya said there was need for unity in the country.

“What I have observed is that the president Sata wanted to meet his father senior chief Sailunga. He went there to see his father. People have translated the visiting as if he was fooling the chief. According to my observation, I want you to write this issue so that we need peace and harmony because if Mr Sata didn’t know that senior chief Sailunga is his father, he wouldn’t have gone there to visit him. But he had that, that he is my parent I have to go there,” chief Nyakaseya said.

“As a son I would just be right to let them embrace each other and say comfort words to my father. He went there as a family issue. That’s why even if those who published those words in any newspaper… they made a mistake because he went to visit his father. In Lusaka there are many people, how many have gone to visit the chief? No one…but he tried to go and visit his father.

“I chief Nyakaseya, I am saying let the Lundas be cool and see to it that we are all…Bembas, Lundas, Nyanjas, we are One Zambia, One Nation. We have that right to sit down. We don’t want policking…Let them not politicise Sata’s visit, let them understand that the son went to his parents. If there is a problem the parent can complain that ‘my son what you did was wrong’ but if the parent hasn’t complained why is the public coming in now?”

He observed that in the current generation people took things for granted.
“They just want to tarnish other people’s names. It’s all hatred! If me chief Nyakaseya I fall sick and, I come in Lusaka won’t you visit me? Now if you visit me then you have made a mistake? Please tell the nation we have to love each other, we put differences aside. We see how we are going to develop Zambia and love should be there. We want harmony and peace than tarnishing other names,” chief Nyakaseya said.

He also pleaded with the government to work on the Mwinilunga-Jimbe road.

“We are begging the government to assist us so that this road be tarred. And Kaleni Mission Hospital, it’s a big hospital we don’t have a mortuary, people are suffering please,” said chief Nyakaseya.

On Monday, chief Madzimawe was quoted by the state media as having condemned Sata for touching senior chief Sailunga’s head when he visited him in UTH.

Similar views were expressed by former national chairperson for the Lunda Cultural Association Newton Samakai and Solwezi District Nsakwa Ya Ba Kaonde Cultural Association vice-secretary Richard Mufwabule.

The trio, were reacting to a picture that appeared in The Post newspaper on March 22, 2010, showing Sata touching the head of chief Sailunga when he visited him in UTH.

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