
Monday, April 12, 2010

Fr Bwalya challenges white ribbon campaigners to champion good governance

Fr Bwalya challenges white ribbon campaigners to champion good governance
By Misheck Wangwe in Kitwe
Mon 12 Apr. 2010, 04:01 CAT

CHANGE Life Zambia executive director Fr Frank Bwalya has charged that the White Ribbon campaign will be baptising corruption, bad governance, ineptitude and bad leadership if it does not challenge government to address these concerns.

Commenting on white ribbon campaign (which originally is a safe motherhood campaign) launched by some sections of society seemingly to counter his red card campaign, Fr Bwalya said Zambians had the right to express themselves in a manner they want.

Fr Bwalya challenged the initiators of the white ribbon to also engage government and influence it to use common sense and allow Zambians to have a constitution they want – one which is just, durable and reflecting their aspirations.

He said those promoting the white ribbon should also ensure that government recommits itself to fighting corruption, theft of public resources and that they should also make President Rupiah Banda’s government to restore the notice of appeal against the acquittal of Frederick Chiluba.

“In the absence of government acting on these issues and many other national issues, the white whatever campaign is a waste of valuable time and resources. As a matter of fact it would be another way of baptising corruption, bad governance, ineptitude and bad leadership in general,” said Fr Bwalya.

“As people who have embraced the democratic spirit we shall defend the rights of those attempting to start the white whatever project but we wish to advise them that they are embarking on a futile exercise of defending government without advising it to address national issues that the red card campaign is based on.”

And Fr Bwalya said the wheels of change in Zambia had started turning slowly but surely and would by the end of this year gather speed that would make the few doubting Thomases convinced that Zambians want positive change.

Fr Bwalya said people were sick and tired of corrupt, inept, selfish and greedy leaders.

He said people countywide were speaking loudly and in no uncertain terms that they want change.

“As Change Life Zambia, we have resumed our programme of launching the organisation throughout the country, this Saturday 17th April 2010, we will be in Chililabombwe at Twafwane Basic School grounds and on the following day, Sunday yesterday, we will be launching Change Life Zambia in Nchanga, Chingola. Soon we shall move to rural areas of the Copperbelt such as Lufwanyama and Mpongwe. We are also asking people in Mansa, Kapiri Mposhi and Lusaka to start expecting us. We are doing this because we stand for change that offers a better life for all Zambians, that’s why we invite people in these areas to come so that we can work together,” Fr Bwalya said.

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