
Monday, April 12, 2010

Govt revokes decision to increase land rates

Govt revokes decision to increase land rates
By Lovely Kayombo in Chisamba
Mon 12 Apr. 2010, 04:00 CAT

LANDS minister Gladys Lundwe has said that the government has revoked its earlier decision to increase land rates on commercial farms by 1000 per cent.

Addressing District Farmers Association (DFA) chairpersons at Golden Valley Agricultural Research Trust in Chisamba on Thursday, Lundwe said the government had heard farmers’ cries and appeals. She said the ministry was open to give title deeds to all emerging farmers.

This was after a farmer from Mwinilunga complained that lack of title deeds was the main reason farmers in the area did not progress.

“The reason why we don’t progress is lack of title to our land. In Mwinilunga there are only two commercial farmers with titles,” he said.

And Peter Daka disclosed that the government has partnered with the Zambia National Farmers Union (ZNFU) to come up with a good floor price for agricultural produce.

Daka, who is also Minister of Agriculture and Cooperatives, said the government was the major stakeholder in the marketing of agricultural produce and cautioned farmers against falling prey to briefcase businessmen.

“If we don’t pay our farmers well … next time they will decide to grow something else (tobacco) and we will not have anything to eat,” he said.

Daka said the government would not run away from its responsibility of helping farmers and urged them to diversify.

“The whole essence of business is to grow, therefore the same should apply to agriculture…use of wrong seeds and wrong methods is also contributing to low yields,” said Daka.

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