
Tuesday, April 27, 2010

(HERALD) Born-free concert acknowledges liberation struggle

Born-free concert acknowledges liberation struggle
By Richmore Tera

"WE acknowledge the role that our elders played in liberating this country, that is why we are called the ‘born-free,’ because without them we wouldn’t have such a privilege now.

"It is with this inspiration that we have derived from them that we are ready to take up after them in all spheres of life and steer our country along the right course in future," said urban groove artiste Winky D.

Such was also the pervasive mood and spirit that ran through a gig, dubbed "Born-Free Music Concert", recently held in Highfield.

While the term born-free has been used in derogatory terms in some sectors of society the majority of artistes who spoke to The Herald said they were proud to be identified as such, expressing that they were bearers of the torch from their elders who took part in the liberation struggle.

Dancehall musician Winky D, whose real name is Wallace Chirimuko — who was part of the concert — said he acknowledged his country’s history of the struggle but said it was the role of the born-frees to take up from their elders since they were the future. He was born on February 1, 1983.

"I am a born-free and I acknowledge the contribution that our elders made to liberate this country from colonial bondage. For me to be where I am today, it is because of them, and that is what mainly inspires my music.

"This Born-Free Concert serves to reaffirm that spirit and ideology and serves as a reminder that wherever we might go in future, we should always remember where we came from as African people. We have to celebrate life after the struggle in the spirit of inclusiveness. We should all stand strong despite our differenceS in generations, in this dynamic environment," he said.

Fungisai Zvakavapano-Mashavave — born on January 27 1981 — who said that 30 years was a milestone for the born-frees who are now mature to be in charge of their country’s destiny. "It is a milestone in the sense that the young people who were born after Independence on April 18, 1980 are now mature to a certain level. We can now understand issues to do with the nation, what our elders before us achieved, and what has to be now in the present as well as in future.

"This should be the period when we see the blending of the new generation with our predecessors and see the nation progressing in that light.

"This is an opportunity for the born-frees to impact on the nation. We should be much capable to steer the nation on the right course because Zimbabwe is a very principled nation in terms of ideology and strong morals," she said.

Another born-free who took part at the concert Stunner dismissed those who said the term born-free was a derogatory one and was quick to point out that it was the trend in life for generations to undergo certain phases. "We cannot take anything from the fact that our elders fought to liberate this country. But that is the trend of life for people to belong to different generations, as in the case with our elders who took part in the struggle.

"It is now our duty to fight the struggle for economic, industrial and social emancipation. We need to see the born-free taking advantage of the groundwork that their elders laid for them and fight the struggle for total empowerment," he said.

Arnold Chamunogwa, the youth chairperson of Crisis In Zimbabwe, a non-governmental organisation, who organised the Born-Free Music Concert, said the essence of the event was two-pronged.

"The first aim is to promote youths who were born after Independence. They too should celebrate the concept of independence, which has been focusing mainly on the older generation, yet there is the post-Independence generation that should also be part of that national event," he said.

"Secondly, we want to take stock of the full realisation of independence. Independence is for everyone, every generation, whether you have been there before or after." he said.

Chamunogwa said they were going to take the concert around the country.

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