
Thursday, April 29, 2010

(HERALD) Let’s avoid policies influenced by West

Let’s avoid policies influenced by West

Editor — As a young boy I used to fantasise on what it felt like to be totally independent. I trust this was coming because every time everything that I had to eat, wear, which school I had to attend, which function I had to go etc was decided by my parents.

Time came when I had to make these decisions on my own. Blunders were made. I would go to the pub and come home in the early hours of the morning, I would run out of food, I would have no shirt to wear to work on Monday morning.

However, despite these blunders, my parents were always there for me and continued to give support and advice until I realised that there are so many considerations to be made when you are totally independent. You plan for your future, you associate with friends that will stand by you in your time of need, friends that do not want to exploit you.

Editor, I have written this letter after observing what is happening in our country after the formation of the inclusive Government. We have those in the Government that wish that we continue being colonised. It is now time for us to make our mistakes and learn from them and plan and shape our future on our own.

I listened to the campaign debate in UK and I like what Nick Clegg said about UK moving away from a foreign policy driven by American influence as is the current situation where they are fighting American wars.

That is what Zimbabwe must do to avoid policies influenced by the West.

When we were colonised by the West (foster parents) they did not allow blacks to participate in the economy of the country not because they cared about the blacks but because they wanted to amass wealth at the expense of the black owners of the resources (bad foster parents).

When the foster children claimed what belongs to them with the help of caring friends the foster parent cried foul and started to demonise the children so that they do not get support in the form of material and advice from anyone who cares to listen to them.

Regrettably, some of the foster children were drunk with the foster parents’ abuse to the extent that they do not believe in themselves. They hate themselves.

During our fight for independence we had friends like China, Iran, Russia, Zambia, Tanzania and others who assisted us not for their benefit but their belief in human rights and independence of all nations.

The West never assisted us because they were exploiting our resources and they want to continue doing so.

I believe in total independence and therefore encourage my fellow Zimba-bweans to believe in us and plan our future on our own.


Via e-mail.

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