
Monday, April 19, 2010

(HERALD) Malema epitomises freedom struggle

Malema epitomises freedom struggle

EDITOR — I would like to express my thanks and appreciation for the successful visit to Zimbabwe by ANC Youth League president Cde Julius Malema.

We have seen and read so much from the negative South African media and it was very refreshing to have youthful people like Cde Malema courageously paying Zimbabwe this visit. This should be a great motivator and an eye opener to the Zimbabwean youth.

I also appreciated the courtesy visit to the ANC offices in Avondale were Cde Joe Nqabi lost his life in a bombing of the offices by the apartheid regime. It is hard to forget May 19 1986 when 16 Angwa Street in Harare was bombed.

Although no one died, I lost my income- generating small business, which was housed within the same premises.

I was a young man then trying to stand up and be counted but my hopes and vision were short-lived. Comrade Malema and company deserve thanks for your commitment to the struggle.

Patriotic Zim.


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