
Monday, April 19, 2010

Milanzi voters ask candidates to fulfil promises

Milanzi voters ask candidates to fulfil promises
By Christopher Miti in Milanzi
Mon 19 Apr. 2010, 04:40 CAT

President Banda being welcomed by Katete residents during his visit to Milanzi
VOTERS in Milanzi Constituency have asked candidates vying for the seat in the forthcoming by-elections to fulfill their promises in the event that they are elected.

And Caritas Zambia has urged the electorate in Milanzi to make their own independent decisions when voting.

During the Meet your Candidate Forum organised by Caritas Zambia in collaboration with the Press Freedom Committee of The Post at Chimbundire Basic School in Katete last Saturday, the voters demanded that the candidates fulfill their election promises after being voted into office.

One of the voters, Jackson Makukula said there had been a lot of unfulfilled promises from politicians.

“What guarantee is there that these people will implement what they are saying?” Makukula asked.

Another resident, Damazio Sakala said Milanzi had a lot of problems, which required a dedicated member of Parliament.

Sakala asked the candidates to tell the voters what they should do in the event that the elected parliamentarian did not deliver on his promises.

PF candidate Albert Banda urged the people of Milanzi not to be cheated by the MMD, which he said had failed to deliver to the Zambian people.

“This ruling party has been ruling for almost 20 years but there is nothing happening on the ground. They should not cheat us because even today people in urban areas have seen that they MMD are liars because even State House is in a constituency which is under PF,” Albert said.

He said MMD would have done a lot for the people in 20 years if they were committed.
“Vote for PF-UPND pact so that we can provide checks and balances in parliament,” Albert said.
He said it was unfortunate that Milanzi continued to lag behind in development.

“Milanzi has no enough clinics, the roads are bad. Areas like Kagoro are supposed to be electrified. Many pupils have qualified to grade ten but have been told that there are no grade places and they have been told to look for ten places somewhere, a situation which can ruin the future of the children,” Albert said.

UNIP candidate Musa Banda urged the electorate to pass a vote of no confidence in him in the event that he did not perform to people’s expectation once elected.

Musa said he was determined to continue implementing developmental programmes after being voted into office.

“I have already started working on development projects in Milanzi. I have built teachers’ houses here in Milanzi and I will continue with such programmes after being voted into office. I will not just wait for government to release money for developmental programmes,” Musa said.

He said the people of Milanzi were facing many challenges.
“Farmers are facing a lot of problems. Government can promise five bags but it ends up giving people one bag of fertiliser, which is not good. This area has a serious water problem because people are sharing water sources with animals,” Musa said.

Musa pledged to build a hospital once voted into office.
MMD candidate Whiteson Banda, who first called for a moment of silence in memory of late parliamentarian Reuben Chisanga-Banda, said he would first work on the crop marketing system once voted into power.

He said he would request the government to put markets in all the ten wards of the constituency.
“I will make sure I conclude the projects that were started by the late MP. I will ask government to provide dams in this constituency. Former MPs neglected one thing, they never consulted chiefs but I will make sure I consult these people,” Whiteson said.

He said he would ensure that schools that were near the Zesco power lines like Chumbundire Basic School were electrified.

Whiteson said he would request the government to construct dams and provide medicine in hospitals.
MMD campaign manager Dr Eustarckio Kazonga said the government would build four more health centres to add to the existing seven centres in Milanzi.

When asked by David Miti whether it was possible for the government to build four health centres within the remaining months before next year’s elections, Dr Kazonga said it would be possible because the funds would come from the central government and Constituency Development Fund (CDF).

And a representative from Caritas Zambia David Mwanza urged the people of Milanzi to vote based on the information they had.

Mwanza said Caritas would continue promoting good governance in the country.
Education minister Dora Siliya, agriculture minister Peter Daka and MMD national secretary Katele Kalumba were among the many people that attended the forum.

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