
Tuesday, April 27, 2010

MMD is concentrating on stealing, charges Tilyenji

MMD is concentrating on stealing, charges Tilyenji
By Staff Reporters
Tue 27 Apr. 2010, 08:00 CAT

UNIP president Tilyenji Kaunda has charged that the MMD has concentrated on stealing instead of developing the country.

Addressing a public rally at Kaunda Square in Mufumbwe to drum up support for UNIP candidate Stephen Kamwengo in Thursday’s by-election, Tilyenji, who supported President Rupiah Banda in the last presidential elections, said MMD had nothing to show in terms of development for the almost 20 years it has been in power.

“I say this without any hatred; UNIP concentrated on development, our brothers the MMD have concentrated on stealing,” Tilyenji told the residents.

He wondered why Zambians were living like slaves in a country that belonged to them. He said Zambians required good health care, education and housing and that they should also control the economy like it used to be when UNIP was in power.

Tilyenji said the MMD killed all industries and cooperatives and thereby throwing many people out of employment.

“They sold the companies, these things must be reversed so that these companies can belong to Zambians,” he said.

Tilyenji challenged Mufumbwe residents to vote for Kamwengo whom he said was young.
“The future of this country depends on young people,” said Tilenji.

UNIP vice-president Njekwa Anamela said people of Mufumbwe had the opportunity to reject political parties and candidates that were perpetrating violence in Mufumbwe.

“Our democracy is about choosing good ideas, good policies and programmes that foster development,” he said.

He challenged the residents to make a choice for genuine development in the district by voting for Kamwengo.

“You have to make a choice, whether you want a tired old man (in reference to MMD’s Mulondwe Muzungu) or a vibrant and energetic young man (Kamwengo),” said Anamela.

Anamela said old people should now be advisors to young people.

He also told people that if people had failed to develop the country in 20 years, they could not create jobs or do anything in one year. He said Mufumbwe had no bank, filling station and good roads.

“All these are pointers of neglect (by MMD),” he said.

He advised people to consider the track records of political parties.

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