
Thursday, April 15, 2010

Most young Zambians are frustrated – Girasoli

Most young Zambians are frustrated – Girasoli
By Masuzyo Chakwe
Thu 15 Apr. 2010, 04:30 CAT

VATICAN Ambassador to Zambia Archbishop Nicola Girasoli has observed that there is a lot of frustration among young people in Zambia. Speaking during the University of Zambia (UNZA) 2010 graduation mass, Archbishop Girasoli said the frustration was related mostly to lack of jobs.

He said unemployment was the major cause of disorientation and unhappiness among the young people in Zambia. Archbishop Girasoli said very often students completed their studies but could not find good jobs.

“Frustration may cause a lot of serious problems in our youth: alcoholism, sense of emptiness, drugs, temptation of acting out of law, spirit of rebellion.

You can always do better. Even when you experience sadness and loneliness, you have to be aware that you have in yourself the potentiality of rediscovering the sense of life and the strength to feel useful for society,” Archbishop Girasoli said last weekend.

“We all shall do something to improve the lives and conditions of our youth. We all are called to give to our youth more hope and a concrete, I underline concrete, solutions to their expectations and demands of our young people and of all Zambian students.”

Archbishop Girasoli appealed to public authorities to strengthen their efforts in creating more jobs and in sustaining initiatives that could guarantee a job. He said the expectations of young people and students were a priority for Zambia.

“In fact, everything we do for the youth will bring benefit for the future of our nation. That is why the youth should always receive the first and the most important consideration and attention by all the components of our society,” he said.

He urged the students to be instruments of peace and promoters of unity in the country.

Archbishop Girasoli said university was a school of brotherhood and the academic life was always an adventure. He said this concretely meant that the science that they learnt at the university needed to be supported by wisdom.

“We know that wisdom is a patrimony transmitted by our cultures, traditions and that finds its strong roots in the Gospel. You shall try to conjugate together in your life science and wisdom. Due mainly to the spread of the new computer technologies young generation and especially you dear students are exposed to an individual isolation and to live in a reality increasingly virtual,” he said.

Archbishop Girasoli said university by its very nature promoted precisely the fine balance between the individual moment and that of the community - between the research and reflection of each one and the exchange that was open to others in a tendency of universal dimension.

“As a school of brotherhood, in an academic community and among students jealousy and envy should always be avoided and removed. You are here not to compete but to learn and to prepare yourself to serve this beloved country of Zambia. Solidarity among you is very important.

You have to start to help and to support each other. Do not be selfish, but try to be open especially to those that, among you, who are struggling to continue their studies because of lack of financial means,” he said.

Archibishop Girasoli said most young people wanted to be free, free in everything but freedom comes from within, from the very attitudes and capacity to sacrifice things that could be harmful to them and to many others as well.

“We have to learn and be brave to say no to those tendencies which we know will damage our lives and that of our families: alcoholism for example procures a lot of problems and destroys ourselves. We shall try to make decisions that look beyond the present, by raising our eyes to the horizon where our risen Lord is: in Him, we have life. We have to try to develop more positive attitudes, with hope and courage to support them,” he said.

Archbishop Girasoli said the tragedy of HIV and AIDS challenges was there everyday, especially among the young people. He said mutual aid, compassion and solidarity were the keys to help concretely those who are HIV positive, avoiding any stigmatisation and isolation of those touched by this sickness.

Archbishop Girasoli said humanity expects a serious commitment for creating a better world from young people.

“Try to put your life at the service of the poor, the homeless and those in needs. Try to enlighten the world, proclaiming justice, love and peace. Very often adults are reluctant to give space to the young. The difficulty that adults undoubtedly find in approaching the sphere of youth is anyway comprehensible and convincing.

In fact, if it is true that young people need experience and a solid preparation to take over ruling professions in society, the conditions to grow safely and learn how to deal with society should be given and guaranteed to them,” said Archbishop Girasoli.

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