
Saturday, April 10, 2010

‘MPs loiter during NCC proceedings’

‘MPs loiter during NCC proceedings’
By Mwala Kalaluka
Sat 10 Apr. 2010, 04:00 CAT

SOME parliamentarians attending the National Constitutional Conference (NCC) have allegedly stopped contributing to the conference’s debates and are just waiting for the final document to go to Parliament where they will shoot it down.

And NCC chairperson Chifumu Banda said delegates that are fond of loitering outside Mulungushi International Conference Centre premises during proceedings are not being paid allowances to loiter around.

During clarification time in the NCC on Thursday afternoon, NCC delegate Reverend David Masupa said he had a pertinent clarification to make.

“This is my observation and maybe the secretariat can confirm that there are groups of some commissioners that are sitting outside and in the bar while the deliberation of the conference is going on,” Rev Masupa said. “And we have heard that some MPs will not debate any further here but they are waiting for this document to go to Parliament so that they shoot down what has been agreed.”

In response, Banda said since he did not have evidence, it was extremely difficult for him to make a ruling.

“Parliament in passing the NCC Act thought in its wisdom that including MPs at this stage will assist in garnering consensus,” Banda said. “As you will see many honourable MPs have been participating actively and I hope honour will demand that decisions that have been agreed here can be respected. I don’t think honourable members of parliament can become like turn-coats. I do not think they will be dishonourable.”

And during debate on the report of the NCC committee on human rights, Banda asked for a moment’s indulgency to deal with a note from a concerned member about some delegates that were loitering outside the conference hall.

“Before I call Mr Phiri, some concerned member of the NCC has sent me a note telling me that some members of the NCC are just chatting outside,” Banda said.

“I have sent somebody to go and get their names to see what could be done. I don’t think they get allowances just to be chatting outside. Some it’s habitual. There is no consultation at all.”

Those found outside the conference immediately after Banda’s directive included, works and supply minister Mike Mulongoti, who was conducting an interview with a journalist in the lobby. Local government deputy minister Moses Muteteka was seen chatting with his permanent secretary Timothy Hakuyu and Mkushi North MMD parliamentarian Sydney Chisanga on the lawn in front of the conference centre.

Zambia Direct Democracy Movement (ZDDM) leader Edwin Sakala was also standing on the lawn with two other persons, chatting. Other NCC delegates were seen chatting in the car park or attending to visitors.

Local government deputy minister Elijah Muchima was spotted arriving late for the deliberations and when commerce deputy minister Dr Lwipa Puma told him that he was fond of coming late, he replied that he was busy.

“Busy, in fact I have left a meeting. I am going back,” said Muchima as he rushed into the conference room before emerging out of it a few minutes later.

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