
Friday, April 16, 2010

Mulongoti apologises to Mpombo

Mulongoti apologises to Mpombo
By Abigail Chaponda in Ndola
Fri 16 Apr. 2010, 04:20 CAT

WORKS and supply minister Mike Mulongoti yesterday apologised to former defence minister George Mpombo and the state in the Ndola magistrates’ court for saying that Mpombo will need him in prison.

Before the court proceedings on March 17, in a matter where Mpombo has been charged with issuing a cheque on an insufficiently funded account, his lawyer Bonaventure Mutale applied to the court that Mulongoti should be cited for contempt for stating that Mpombo would need him in prison.

That is how Mulongoti was summoned to appear before the court and explain why he should not be cited for contempt of court for stating that Mpombo would need him in prison, as reported in The Post of February 19, 2010 on page one and four. Mutale said the article refered to Mulongoti as having advised Mpombo to stop provoking him because he would need him in prison.

He said the article clearly showed that Mulongoti seemed to believe that Mpombo had already been found with a case he would be sent to prison.

“This is clearly contemptuous of this court and tends to undermine the deliberations of the proceedings of the court,” he said.

Chief Resident Magistrate Kelvin Limbani granted the application and ordered Mulongoti to appear before him yesterday.

And Mulongoti, 58, of plot 11 Lewanika Road Kabulonga in Lusaka who was represented by Attorney General Abyud Shonga said he did not know that he was undermining the deliberations of the court proceedings when he commented on the story.

“I was reacting to an issue by Honourable Mpombo where he called me a political dimwit. A reporter called me to comment and I made a comment since I had a long relationship with Mr Mpombo. It was not the first time that Mr Mpombo was attacking me and I was saddened that he was trying to destroy the relationship that we have,” Mulongoti said.

“I would be the last person to wish Mr Mpombo ill. I wish to apologise. I was only reacting to the story, and I had no intentions to disrespect the court. May I sincerely apologise to my brother Mr Mpombo and the state.”

Magistrate Limbani said he had noted Mulongoti’s explanation.

“I advise you to be careful and mindful of the statement made in relation to court proceedings. I have noted your apology and warn you that the courts shall not be detracted by statements made in relation to court proceedings. I shall take your apology and warn you not to comment on the proceedings of the court,” said magistrate Limbani.

Meawhile, Aubrey Mulenga Kashita, 33, a banker at Finance Bank in Ndola testified that a cheque of K10 million was deposited into Colwyn Limited account on December 18, 2009. He said the cheque was sent for clearing the same day and returned to a Mrs Clementina Lungu of Colwyn Limited.

Kashita said on January 29, he was visited by the police and he explained to them that the cheque was cleared and sent back to Lungu and he issued them (police) with a statement.

There was no cross examination but after Kashita finished testifying, the prosecution asked for the matter to be adjourned because the other witness had not travelled from Lusaka.

Bonaventure Mutale said it was regrettable that the prosecution had not prepared when they were given a month to do so. He said since it was their first application, he would accept it but warned them that next time the defence would not accept it.

Limbani also said it was regrettable that the prosecution did not prepare when they had enough time to do so.

“I warn the prosecution to come to court prepared. I warn them and advise that in the next seating, they should come with all their witnesses,” he said.
The matter was adjourned to May 4 for continued trial.

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