
Thursday, April 15, 2010

NCC chairman defends purchase of microphones

NCC chairman defends purchase of microphones
By Ernest Chanda
Thu 15 Apr. 2010, 04:50 CAT

NATIONAL Constitutional Conference (NCC) delegate Bonnie Tembo on Tuesday sought clarification from chairperson Chifumu Banda on the purchase of microphones at a cost of K1.8 billion.

During matters arising, Tembo who is also Anti Voter Apathy Project (AVAP) executive director sought to know who would use them after the conference mandate had finished. He said the story published in the Sunday Post where it was revealed that the NCC had purchased microphones at a cost of K1.8 billion was a surprise.

“I want some clarification from this conference on the reported purchase of microphones at K1.8 billion.

[At K6000/$, that is $400,000 for microphones. MrK]

We read in The Post last Sunday that the NCC had purchased microphones. And right now, I have two papers, which I will later lay on the table, where this purchase is being condemned. And for me I think this has taken us by surprise,” Tembo said.

“I would like to know who the owners of Mulungushi International Conference Centre are. I ask because I want to know what happens to the microphones in question when the NCC finishes its business. I thought that Mulungushi International Conference Centre was a government institution. So, I need your clarification on this issue chairperson.”

In response, Banda said the microphones in question were government property.

“There is no problem at all, if people want to be negative they will always be negative. The bottom line is that these microphones we’ve been using have given us problems. A decision was made a long time ago to purchase new ones so this is not something new.

And let me say that these microphones are government property and they will obviously be surrendered to government,” explained Banda.

“Bear in mind that Mulungushi International Conference Centre is under National Housing Authority, and National Housing Authority is a quasi-government institution.
This should not worry people; Honourable Chifumu Banda will not go away with this equipment. If people want to be negative, you can’t stop them. Some people are just naturally negative. If you show them a white piece of paper they will tell you it’s red. So, we have to learn to live with them.”

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