
Monday, April 12, 2010

(NEWZIMBABWE) Terreblanche gay past revealed

Terreblanche gay past revealed
12/04/2010 00:00:00

SLAIN white supremacist leader Eugene Terreblanche always had homosexual “tendencies”, it has been revealed after South African police confirmed his April 3 murder may be investigated as a homosexual sex crime.

Details of a 1980s sex scandal involving Terreblanche and a male Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging (AWB) supporter have resurfaced just as lawyers for his two alleged killers said they would mount a defence that he was killed while trying to molest one of them.

Officers said earlier that a pay dispute with his two employees, both black, led to the killing of Terreblanche, who has been on the political margins since his efforts to preserve apartheid in the early 1990s.

"We're not going to focus on one thing," said investigator Musa Zondi. "We will investigate all pertinent facts that have a bearing on the matter."

Terreblanche was hacked and battered to death on April 3 and found with his trousers pulled down. Police have denied a condom was also found at the scene.

"My instructions from my client are that there was some sodomy going on and it sparked the murder of Mr Terreblanche," Puna Moroko, an attorney for 28-year-old Chris Mahlangu, told the Sunday Times newspaper. The other accused is 15.

Max du Preez who founded the Vrye Weekblad newspaper in the 1980s said claims of Terreblanche’s secret homosexual liaisons had not come as a surprise to him.

"It's not a complete secret that Eugene had some of these tendencies," said Max du Preez,

In the 1980s, his weekly newspaper published the story of an AWB bodyguard who claimed to have woken up after a night of heavy partying to find Terreblanche on top of him, trying to molest him.

The bodyguard laid a complaint within the AWB and was promptly kicked out of the organisation.

The bodyguard went to the Vrye Weekblad -- the only newspaper that would run the story.

"No other newspaper touched it because they reckoned it was defamatory. But we thought it was true," Du Preez told The Star on Sunday.

After the story was published, there was no reaction from Terreblanche or the AWB.

"Eugene didn't say a word," said Du Preez.

Terreblanche's foray into Ventersdorp that fateful Friday -- to buy ciders for his workers, and a bottle of vodka for himself -- appears to be no different from the AWB shindig in the 1980s.

Eyewitnesses say they saw the AWB leader -- reportedly estranged from his wife -- buying liquor at a Ventersdorp liquor store before taking his workers back to the farm where he was later bludgeoned to death.

A worker at Overland Liquor Store said Terreblanche and the two workers were “happy” and everything seemed “okay”.

The worker described one of the workers as being “young” and the other as being “in his 20s”.

The AWB, accused of whipping up racist feeling following the killing, is denying their leader was a homosexual.

Meanwhile, the accused Mahlangu, and a 15-year-old, who is too young to be named, are expected to appear in the Ventersdorp Magistrate's Court on Wednesday for a formal bail application.

They are charged with murder, housebreaking with intent to rob and robbery with aggravating circumstances, attempted robbery and crimen injuria.

Terreblanche was buried in Ventersdorp last Friday.

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