
Saturday, April 03, 2010

Rupiah’s vote in Lambaland is in great danger – Mpombo

Rupiah’s vote in Lambaland is in great danger – Mpombo
By George Chellah
Sat 03 Apr. 2010, 04:02 CAT

GEORGE Mpombo yesterday said President Rupiah Banda is courting a political earthquake of a huge magnitude in Lambaland because of Terence Findlay's insults. And Mpombo said President Banda and the MMD leadership must respect Lamba chiefs and stop harassing them.

Reacting to former Copperbelt Province MMD chairperson Findlay's refusal to apologise to Lambas, Mpombo wondered what President Banda had found in Findlay, who openly exhibited hatred for the late Levy Mwanawasa and the Lamba-speaking people.

“Findlay is a cheap political scumbag who has no morals and a misguided political flibbertigibbet who is puffed up with cheap pride and self-destruction. The chap is almost an illiterate and I don't know what Banda finds in this gentleman because his social record in the province is nauseating. And there is no way a reasonable person can align himself with a person like Findlay,” Mpombo said. “When he talks about exaggeration, Emmanuel Chenda and Wynter Kabimba were there, so a question of exaggeration doesn't arise. It is actually petty people like Findlay who should not be allowed to roam the streets. He should actually be chained! Findlay's failure to apologise to the Lambas is a very, very serious development. This chap…. Lambas are not pleading for his apology, Findlay is nothing! He should not think Lambas will go down on their knees to plead for his apology.”

He requested the government to stop harassing chiefs on the Copperbelt Province.

“You know it's not good, each time there is anything they must arrange a crew of government newspapers to go and harass chiefs, that one we cannot allow. They must respect our chiefs. There is no way they can be calling chiefs, summoning chiefs to their offices. Government must respect Lamba chiefs,” Mpombo said. “They must ask Dr Kenneth Kaunda how he managed Ndola rural Ndola rural is a very, very difficult district politically. President Banda himself must respect chiefs. The MMD leadership and President Banda must respect chiefs because when we were campaigning, I was provincial campaign manager, Mr Banda portrayed a humble attitude when we met chiefs at the Bank of Zambia.

“We met all the chiefs and Mr Banda was so humble and said he was their son just because the late president Levy Mwanawasa was their son. He humbled himself but not this kind of arrogance we are getting.”

He observed that President Banda's vote in Lambaland was in great danger.

“This is more or less like…government is creating deliberately a very serious political earthquake for Mr Banda and the MMD of huge magnitude because people feel insulted that little chaps like Findlay should insult people, responsible people,” he said.

He warned that the ruling party was playing with a political dynamite.

“The current provincial chairman although he is what we could call a political half-sense…Joseph Chilambwe he is a political half-sense because he hasn't got what it takes. But Findlay will be the worst option because they will just plunge the party into an irretrievable political mess from which they will never be able to recover,” Mpombo said. “And tell Findlay that he can jump into the sea, no one is pleading for him to apologise. We thought he was going to use his conscience to tell him to retract his stupid statement but if he thinks he is a tough nut to crack he can go hang! He can go hang but consequences will fall on his head.”

Findlay recently revealed his hatred for Lambas and late president Mwanawasa following his prosecution for defilement but some sections of society expressed concern over his remarks. MMD national chairman Michael Mabenga distanced the party from Findlay's remarks whom he said remained a suspended member of the party. However, Findlay said he could not apologise because he never uttered the words “Lamba” and “president Mwanawasa”. However, Kabimba, who initially broke the story and Patriotic Front member Emmanuel Chenda maintained that Findlay made the remarks on the Lambas and president Mwanawasa.

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