
Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Sata is a real mad person, says Rupiah

Sata is a real mad person, says Rupiah
By Speedwell Mupuchi in Mufumbwe
Wed 28 Apr. 2010, 04:00 CAT

PF leader Michael Sata after addressing a rally at Kameta village in Katete to drum up support for Milanzi Constituency PF parliamentary candidate Albert Banda on Monday - Picture by Thomas Nsama

“nichisilu cha zoona"

PRESIDENT Rupiah Banda has said Patriotic Front president Michael Sata is a real mad man.

And President Banda insinuated that UPND leader Hakainde Hichilema accumulates his money through dubious ways. Meanwhile, Hichilema said President Banda has lowered the quality of the Republican presidency.

Addressing a public rally at Wishimanga Basic School on Monday afternoon to drum up support for MMD candidate Mulondwe Muzungu in tomorrow’s parliamentary by-election, President Banda said when he went to pray on Easter Friday at Lusaka’s St Ignitius, the noise from Sata made him realise “nichisilu cha zoona (a real mad man)”.

President Banda said Sata was angry, vulgar and demeaning to people. He wondered how Sata could take people of North Western Province and describe them in disparaging manner.

His comments came in the wake of a statement at the same rally by Titus Kaponda from Mwinilunga who said PF leaders at one time said people from the Noth-Western Province were like buttocks and would always remain behind; and that they were like doormats to be used by others to get to power.

He said Sata and Hichilema do not want to listen from anyone and that if elected presidents, they would become dictators.

“Have you ever seen a leader who can’t even smile to people he wants to ask for a vote? He Hichilema is a symbol of anger and frustration, he hates even the people he wants to lead,” President Banda said. “… I think we are in for a hard time; has anyone of you seen him smiling, even on a picture, there are so many cameras taking photos, have you ever seen him smiling?”

President Banda asked people whether they have ever heard Hichilema refer to old men as his fathers.

As President Banda was addressing the rally, some people left the meeting preferring to watch the live telecast by Muvi TV. Muvi TV have been paid to broadcast live President Banda’s campaigns.

At the President’s first rally at Kashima West Basic School, Muvi TV had to “borrow” a ZNBC camera to enhance the angles of their coverage.
Sources said ZNBC’s coverage was being beamed live by Muvi TV.

Only a few MMD cadres were heard responding to the President’s speech by either ululating or breaking into a song. The rest kept quiet or just laughed.

Earlier at a rally at Kashima West Basic School, President Banda repeated calling Hichilema a puppy for allegedly equating him to a dog.

President Banda told the people, most of whom were taken to the area from other slightly distant places, how his government was committed to agriculture and announced that the marketing season would open in May instead of July.

“They say that I am not bright. How come you have never been an MP if you are bright? How come you have never worked in the public service, how come? How come you have never been anything in your life apart from accumulating money in a dubious way?” President Banda retorted in an apparent reference to Hichilema.

President Banda spent a larger portion of his address attacking Hichilema and Sata than actually campaigning for Muzungu.

He told the people that Hichilema equated him to a dog. He said his friends advised him to do something but that he could not, except to wonder what type of parenting the UPND leader grew in.

“I wonder what type of parentage this boy grew in, who was his father? Who was his mother? To take someone, a human being like myself to call a dog!” he remarked. “I think he was badly brought up. I feel sorry for him. He misses something in his life. If he says I am a dog, then he is a puppy. Uuza neo ati ndine imbwa, waputsa ngako (you say I am a dog, you are stupid indeed) - Mwana wa imbwa (son of a dog)!”

And President Banda urged people to reject the UPND saying it had no record of looking after Zambians because the party had never been in power.

He said Hichilema, as young as he was, should be feeling bruised having lost elections twice.

President Banda said Hichilema and his party, in their desperate bid to grab power from the MMD, had gone into a Pact with the Patriotic Front and Sata whom he said lost elections three times.

He said one who wanted to be Republican president must be accepted by the whole country. He regurgitated about how he beat Sata and Hichilema in North-Western, Eastern and Western provinces and how he came out second in Southern Province.

President Banda said going by the results of the last Presidential election, it was clear Zambians, especially people of Southern Province, had rejected Sata and wondered on what basis Hichilema went ahead to form a Pact with the PF.

President Banda said the UPND could not go to the people of Mufumbwe and campaign on the basis of things MMD had not done.

“There are millions of things we have not done, you can’t do everything at the same time,” he said.

He noted that people of North Western Province would be happy if his government completes the Mutanda-Chavuma road. He also told the people that his government had decided to allocate K25 billion for construction of a boarding school in Mufumbwe.

He further disclosed that K2 billion had been put aside to build 38 additional classrooms in Mufumbwe and a further US$50 million to connect the province to the national grid.

President Banda described Muzungu as a wonderful, experienced candidate who was devoted to the service of people and was therefore suitable to represent Mufumbwe.

He said there was need for leaders who would help unite people and not ones that would divide them.
Muzungu praised Zambia’s leaders, from Dr Kenneth Kaunda to President Banda for maintaining peace in the nation. He accused the UPND of being tribal.

Muzungu also told the people that while he was member of parliament for the area, he helped many people without looking at their tribes.

“Hakainde, we don’t want you here, zwaa! You are disrespectful. Go back to Southern Province where you are insulting your chiefs,” said Muzungu.

He said Hichilema and Sata were vulgar in their speech, accusing the former of having insulted chief Chizela.

Muzungu pledged to spend the remaining days of his life working for the Mufumbwe community.
But Hichilema wondered why President Banda had not arrested him if he dubiously accumulated his wealth.

“Looking at his level of hatred he has against me, obviously he could have moved in to arrest me if there was a crime I committed. He knows that there is no crime. It is sad to see a President being petty, being jealousy and as head of state you must be above pettiness and jealously,” Hichilema said.

On not having worked in the public service, Hichilema said the public sector does not employ everybody.

“That shows the shallowness because if we were in office, we would be working with the private sector to create more jobs. So he thinks everybody who works in the private sector is dull. He is not bright. People would like to work for the private sector because the pay is better,” Hichilema said.

“Nurses move from public hospitals to private ones. He calls those dull? Look at the thinking of this President? He doesn’t even support the growth of the private sector. But you can see, maybe that’s why Magande called him a man without an agenda for this country.”

Hichilema said the only way to expand Zambia’s economy was to grow the private sector. He said if the head of state does not know how to grow and expand an economy, then he was a wrong head of state.

“And why have I not been an MP? (laughs) I have never wanted to be an MP. If I wanted to be an MP, it’s common knowledge, in my village I would have been an MP for Bweengwa. I have done enough work there. I live with the people harmoniously there,” Hichilema said.

“He (Rupiah) lost Munali seat to Simeon Kampata Chambauleme, a school teacher who was on a bicycle. Rupiah Banda lost, he wants to pretend that he has never lost an election but he lost under the UNIP era. He lost to a schoolteacher. That schoolteacher exists and is willing to explain how he dribbled Rupiah Banda. So that forced Rupiah Banda to return to the village in Chipata.”

Hichilema said President Banda wanted to pretend that he was a champion of elections. He advised him to give credit to late president Levy Mwanawasa who fished him out from retirement having been battered by a schoolteacher.

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