
Friday, April 09, 2010

(STICKY) (ZIMBABWE GUARDIAN) ANC Youth League statement on Zimbabwe visit

ANC Youth League statement on Zimbabwe visit
Posted: Thursday, April 8, 2010 2:08 pm

THE following is a full transcript of a statement issued by the African National Congress' Youth League following a recent visit to Zimbabwe by a delegation led by its president Julius Malema:

THE African National Congress Youth League visited Zimbabwe from the 2nd to the 5th of April 2010. The visit was meant to build and consolidate working relations between Zanu-PF Youth League and the ANC Youth League, which constitute youth wings of former liberation movements in Southern Africa. The visit to Zimbabwe also incorporated the ANC Youth League’s study-tour programme, visiting countries that have succeeded or failed with nationalisation and study of ways of encouraging greater State participation in sectors of their economies.

The ANC Youth League delegation arrived at Harare International Airport on the 2nd of April 2010 to a jubilant welcome by members of Zanu-PF Youth League, who throughout our visit displayed humility, compassion and care reminiscent of all progressive National Liberation Movements in Southern Africa, Africa and the world. On the 2nd of April, the ANC Youth League delegation held a joint meeting with the Politburo of Zanu-PF and Central Committee of Zanu-PF Youth League. The leadership of Zanu-PF gave us a detailed and comprehensive briefing on the state of Zimbabwe’s security, economy, and politics.

In outlining their vision, the leadership of Zanu-PF under the capable guidance of the Secretary for Administration and Minister of State in the President's Office, Comrade Didymus Mutasa assured the ANC Youth League delegation that Zanu-PF is committed to peace and to the rebuilding of Zimbabwe amidst many socio-economic challenges that came with the imposition of sanctions. We have no reason to doubt Zanu-PF’s commitment to a peaceful and successful Zimbabwe.

On Saturday, the 3rd of April 2010, the ANC YL delegation visited a house in Avondale (Harare) where exiled ANC Comrades, particularly Comrade Joe Gqabi conducted ANC work during the Apartheid years. This is the house where Comrade Gqabi was murdered through a bomb planted by Apartheid forces in 1981. The delegation appreciated the role Zimbabwe played in the liberation of the black majority and Africans in particular from Apartheid repression and bondage. From the Avondale House, the delegation toured the Heroes Acre, where liberation heroes of Zimbabwe are buried and where the history of Zimbabwe's struggle is narrated.

We also attended a rally in Mbare high density surburb in Harare where we addressed thousands of Zanu-PF youth, encouraging them to build a strong peaceful political organisation, with capacity to mobilise the people of Zimbabwe behind the progressive vision of Zanu-PF. We specifically cautioned the youth of Zimbabwe against imperialist manipulation, which has the potential to give Zimbabwe back to the erstwhile colonisers. We used the rally to communicate South Africa’s hosting of the World Festival for Youth and Students in December 2010.

On Saturday night, we attended a gala dinner organised by the Zimbabwean Affirmative Action Group, a lobby group with substantial influence over Zimbabwe’s indigenisation and empowerment policies. We accepted honorary membership of AAG and will forever cherish its noble ideals of building a better Zimbabwe, where the black majority play a significant role in the economy.

On Sunday, 4th of April 2010, we had a session with Zimbabwe’s Minister of Youth, Indigenisation and Economic Empowerment, Comrade Saviour Kasukuwere, who is a known progressive youth activist in Southern Africa. The Minister presented to us Zimbabwe’s Indigenisation and Economic Empowerment Act and policies, which are very courageous policies on how Zimbabwe will retain the wealth of the land for the benefit for the people as a whole.

We subsequently visited small scale farmers in Zimbabwe’s Province of Mashonaland and witnessed young people who are productively involved in agriculture. From the small scale farms, we visited Zimplats, a Zimbabwe based platinum mine, which is owned by Implats and some Australian investors. Like many mines in South Africa, Zimplats does not do anything for the empowerment of communities where they are mining, and do not contribute anything to the development of youth.

From the small scale farmers in Mashonaland, we attended a soccer match between Zimbabwe’s league champions, Dynamos and FC LUPOPO of the Democratic Republic of Congo in their Confederation of African Football clash. We attended the soccer match because we wanted to promote South Africa’s hosting of the 2010 FIFA World Cup which starts in 63 days’ time. Throughout our visit, we always made it a point to emphasise and display through our attire that South Africa was hosting the FIFA World Cup in June/July 2010.

From the soccer match, we visited a large scale Donnington Farm owned by the Governor of the Zimbabwean Reserve Bank, Dr Gideon Gono. The Governor briefed us on the state of the Zimbabwean economy and how the country came to adopt a multi-currency economy as part of its economic recovery plan. The agricultural genius shown by Governor Gono is an inspiration, not only to the youth of Zimbabwe, but to the entire Southern Africa youth who have to engage themselves in agricultural activities. We as the youth of South Africa are greatly inspired and will encourage as many young people as possible to participate in productive and commercial agriculture to avoid almost total reliance on white farmers for food production.

On Monday, the 5th of April 2010, the ANC Youth League had the honour of meeting His Excellency, the First Secretary of Zanu PF, the Commander in Chief of the Zimbabwean Armed Forces, Honourable R.G. Mugabe. President Mugabe reminded the ANC Youth League that during his days at Fort Hare University in the early 1950s, he was a member of the ANC Youth League together with former ANC YL National Secretary and President Joe Matthews and ANC outstanding leader and former Secretary General, Duma Nokwe. The resilience, courage, forthrightness and dedication of President Mugabe bears testimony to the fact that he was once a member of the ANC Youth League and therefore a product of the organisation that produced Nelson Mandela, Walter Sisulu, Oliver Tambo and many others.

President Mugabe taught us that we should never sacrifice principle at the alter of expediency and we should forever remain focused. He appreciated the revolutionary character and militancy of youths in all revolutions and taught us how as a young revolutionary Kwame Nkrumah would always say that a good imperialist is a dead one. He also gave us a detailed history of the Zimbabwean revolution and how Britain under Tony Blair came to betray the commitments made at Lancaster House.

We will forever support President Mugabe’s leadership and his political and economic programmes, which will redress economic and political injustices created by colonialism.

What Lessons did we get from Zimbabwe?

-- The courageous and militant land reform programme has contributed substantially in the empowerment the people of Zimbabwe. From the 4,000 white farmers who used to own farms and land in Zimbabwe, there are now more than 350,000 Zimbabweans who are on farms engaged in agriculture. Young African people are involved in agriculture and not reliant on a few white farmers who do not have the interests of the people of Zimbabwe at heart. In essence, the State’s greater role in land redistribution and mechanisation will contribute in empowering the people of Zimbabwe.

-- The indigenisation and economic empowerment policies constitute a very brave, militant but very correct methods of transferring wealth from the minority to the majority. There will be challenges in the implementation of these policies, but they have a potential to give the people of Zimbabwe real economic power as they will be in ownership of more than 51% of Zimbabwe’s wealth.

-- The resilience, dedication, courage and fearlessness of the Zimbabwean political leadership, particularly the Zanu-PF leadership has far much greater potential to bring Zimbabwe to stability.

-- The ANC Youth League will continue to interact with Zanu-PF Youth in order to give it more strength to the people and discourage it to engage in acts of violence and counter-violence for political reasons.

In conclusion, the people of South Africa should support the economic recovery programme of Zimbabwe and assist in areas where Zimbabwe needs assistance. The success of Zimbabwe is South Africa’s success and its failure is also our failure as a country. We encourage as many South Africans as possible to visit Zimbabwe to witness for themselves the potential Zimbabwe has. Pamberi neZanu-PF! Pamberi neZimbabwe! Phansi Imperialism!

Issued by the African National Congress Youth League, April 8, 2010

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