
Saturday, April 10, 2010

(TALKZIMBABWE) Terreblanche 'killed in gay orgy'

COMMENT - Usually I leave the salacious stuff to the tabloids, but... damn! This is why no one should be above the law. And why apartheid (or slavery) is such a sick system. It is almost a running joke that the most anti-gay people are themselves gay. However, how much closeted behaviour is going on behind these exponents of racism? We know Strom Thurmond had a bi-racial daughter, and Joseph Goebbels had a Polish mistress. But how much of it is really gay attraction and subsequent repression of that attraction, expressed as racism? (Not that I'm a psychiatrist, but you have to wonder.)

Terreblanche 'killed in gay orgy'
by Staff Reporter
09/04/2010 00:00:00

SOUTH African police investigating the murder of white supremacist leader Eugene Terreblanche have heard claims that he met his death after a booze-fuelled GAY sex orgy with his two black workers, New can reveal.

Investigators have heard how Terreblanche, who was leader of the right wing Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging (AWB) which campaigned for an independent white homeland, led a secret double life.

The new revelations will come as a blow to Terreblanche’s AWB movement which survived a split in the late 1980’s when he was caught having an affair with an attractive, blonde journalist, Jani Allan – an affair seen as a terrible betrayal within the organisation because he was married, and she was English. As one commentator put it, the affair “exposed Terreblanche’s extremism for what it was – a giant paper tiger.”

South African police have charged two farm workers, aged 15 and 28, with murder, four counts of housebreaking and robbery with aggravated circumstances, attempted robbery and crimen injuria after Terreblanche’s NAKED body was found prone on his bed just after 5PM on April 3, 2010.

Although initial reports suggested Terreblanche was killed following a pay dispute, the farmer’s neighbours in Ventersdorp, a town situated in South Africa’s North West Province, have questioned this version of events.

A local liquor store owner has told detectives Terreblanche frequented his store in the company of the two men now accused of killing him. Their last visit was just HOURS before his murder – and Terreblanche, who drank whiskey, had bought a six-pack of the cider, Savanna.

A police source said: “These workers were fairly new on Terreblanche’s property, and we have heard claims that he may have been killed in a turf war between his former partners and the two workers now arrested.

“That doesn’t appear likely, but what we have not discounted is that this was a sex orgy gone wrong.”

Detectives have also interviewed several of Terreblanche’s former employees, including one youthful member of the AWB pulled out by his family over rumours of an affair, to test the various theories surrounding his death.

Defence lawyers, meanwhile, are said to be preparing a case centred around the bombshell revelations.

Terreblanche’s supporters have sought to use his death to project what they say is a bigger crisis –the alleged targeting of white farmers by poor blacks either for criminal reasons, or in Terreblanche’s case, alleged racism which they blame on the singing of an anti-apartheid song which has the lyrics “kill the Boer” by the ANC’s Youth League.

But the AWB retracted earlier calls to avenge his murder, it is believed after learning of the true circumstances of his killing.

Terreblanche, jailed for three years for assaulting a black petrol station worker and the attempted murder of a black security guard in 1996, was buried in racially-charged scenes on Friday.

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