
Thursday, April 29, 2010

ZAM challenges govt to revise provision of incentives

ZAM challenges govt to revise provision of incentives
By Kabanda Chulu
Thu 29 Apr. 2010, 08:20 CAT

ZAMBIA Association of Manufacturers (ZAM) vice-president for the northern region Eugene Appel has challenged the government to revise provision of incentives so that local investors can access similar facilities given to foreign investors.

He said the outlook for the manufacturing sector in the country was positive if the government puts in place measures that will allow local participation in the industry.

“It is unfortunate that 45 years after independence, 90 per cent of goods is manufactured outside the country and it’s only in the first republic when attempts were made towards industrialisation but with the coming of economic liberalisation many industries were forced to close,” Appel said.

“We are concerned that local manufacturers don’t enjoy similar incentives given to foreigners under the ZDA Act and government should revise it so that incentives are given across the board. We are not complaining but we think there should be a more focused approach to encourage Zambians to enter into manufacturing thereby contributing to economic development.”

He said ZAM had noted an increased shift by the mines in giving contracts to local suppliers thus enhancing production and job creation.

“We think this is positive but more should be done since most accessories can be produced locally and there is no need to import but with exception of certain high-tech products such as switch gears, transformers and other specialised equipments,” said Appel.

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