Sunday, April 04, 2010

(ZIMBABWE GUARDIAN) MDC coming apart at the seams

MDC coming apart at the seams
By: Peter Chimutsa
Posted: Sunday, April 4, 2010 2:54 pm

THE Movement for Democratic Change is coming apart at the seams. Their quest to end the sovereignty and independence of Zimbabwe is slowly being exposed and revolutionary, intelligent and learned young Zanu-PF cadres are beginning to come out of the woodwork. For the last ten years that party has been dominating the media and all social spaces, while Zanu-PF youths, at home and abroad, have been educating themselves.

This is a guerilla tactic. Those who were shouting the loudest are getting wearied now and their belief in a party that brought sanctions and was responsible for pushing a thriving country back to the "Dark Ages", is waning.

This weekend, as ANC youth president Julius Malema comes to Zimbabwe, the MDC has had its tails between its legs. They are silent and wondering what on earth is happening in a country they thought they had by the horns.

That momentum will not stop now. Zanu-PF young people will defend the principles of the party and protect the gains of the struggle; which our forefathers jealously wanted preserved.

The MDC party is losing grip. It has a misguided youth and an inconsistent leadership; and no policy. That concotion is disastrous.

The 'Day of Reckoning' is coming. In fact it is here.

Their misguided leadership led us to the precipice of strategic disaster abroad and savage division at home.

MDC promises of creating "a paradise on earth" have all gone wayward.The leadership is in a daze, not knowing what to do next. All hope is gone. They now engage in endless battles about positions, not policies.

The worshipping of the MDC has completely destroyed our country, de-industrialized it, and threatened our economic independence. It is simply cult madness. Zimbabweans must stand for freedom and self-determination and challenge imperial folly that will bring ruin to the nation.

Those who resist the indigenisation policy simply want Zimbabwe to go back to the apartheid era. Indigenisation will ensure our security in the future. There has been foreign investment in Zimbabwe since independence; but it did nothing for Zimbabweans as all profits were remitted overseas. White farmers were only threatened in the last ten years; why did they not develop the country and lift millions out of poverty before the land reform programme?

We will not listen to any more MDC hogwash and will not be on the defensive anymore.

Zanu-PF needs new vibrant, intelligent young cadres who can defend their nation and not mortgage it to foreigners like the MDC wants.

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