
Friday, April 09, 2010

(ZIMBABWE GUARDIAN) MDC-T executive locked out by party youths

MDC-T executive locked out by party youths
By: TH-tzg
Posted: Friday, April 9, 2010 12:29 am

DISGRUNTLED MDC-T youths in Mashonaland West on Wednesday locked up provincial offices to prevent their executive from holding a meeting as factionalism continues to destabilise the party. The meeting would have confirmed Mr Japhet Karemba’s suspension as provincial chair.

A further 51 district committee members would also have been suspended. However, a faction supporting the embattled chairman allegedly blocked the move by locking up the offices. The faction seeking to oust Mr Karemba is said to consider itself "better educated" than the other.

MDC-T national organising secretary Mr Elias Mudzuri summoned the eight-member provincial executive for a meeting in Harare on March 29, which endorsed Mr Karemba’s suspension.

The other faction held its own meeting in Zvipani that same day and came up with what has come to be known as the "Zvipani Declaration", which seeks to block the suspension.

Yesterday, the offices were still locked and sources said the provincial executive had been summoned to another meeting in Harare.

Efforts to get a comment from Mr Mudzuri were fruitless.

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