
Thursday, April 01, 2010

(ZIMBABWE GUARDIAN) New charges for Bennett as verdict is deferred

New charges for Bennett as verdict is deferred
By: AFP-tzg
Posted: Wednesday, March 31, 2010 6:35 pm

AUTHORITIES in Zimbabwe on Wednesday slapped Roy Bennett, a top aide to Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai, with charges of breaching grain laws as the verdict in his treason trial was postponed.

Police summoned Bennett, a treasurer-general and financier of Mr Tsvangirai's MDC-T party and former tobacco farmer, to appear in court next week (on April 6) to answer charges of being in possession in 2001 of 92 289 tonnes of maize that he did not declare to the authorities.

He is being charged for contravening Section 40(a) of the Grain Marketing Board Act Chapter 18:14 as read with Statutory Instrument 240(a) of 2001.

He was given a summons by the Chipinge CID Section officials as he arrived at court on Wednesday.

Mr Bennett is accused of plotting to assassinate President Robert Mugabe in 2006.

Judge Chinembiri Bhunu said his verdict in the treason trial was held up by technical delays.

"I was supposed to deliver the judgment today (Wednesday) but we have had delays in preparing the transcript," he said. "The judgment could be ready in the second week of May."

The judge waived a condition of Bennett's bail that he report to police once every two weeks and said he could apply to have his passport released if he needed to travel abroad.

Mr Bennett was Tsvangirai's pick for deputy agriculture minister in the power-sharing government that he formed last year with President Mugabe.

President Mugabe has witheld the swearing-in of Bennett as his case is still in the courts.

According to the new summons, on October 22, 2001 he was "unlawfully found in possession of 92.289 metric tonnes of maize, which he did not declare to authorities, in terms of the Grain Marketing Board Act."

Mr Bennett, at the time said the maize was meant to feed workers at his farm.

His treason trial prompted prime minister Tsvangirai's decision to boycott the inclusive Government with President Mugabe's Zanu-PF party.

Bennett was arrested in February 2009 shortly before he was to be sworn in as deputy minister, and later freed on bail.

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