
Wednesday, April 28, 2010

(ZIMBABWE GUARDIAN) Tsvangirai needs a new PR machine

Tsvangirai needs a new PR machine
By: Nyarai Chidemo
Posted: Wednesday, April 28, 2010 7:55 am

DEAR EDITOR -- Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai urgently needs a new "PR Machine". The likes of James Maridadi have put the name and office of the prime minister into disrepute; and exposed the prime minister's lack of judgment in picking his aides.

Yesterday James Maridadi refused to comment on what the prime minister said in response to a Cabinet grilling over his boycott of the Zimbabwe International Trade Fair opening ceremony. Maridadi refused to comment because that was "a matter for Cabinet".

This is a man who, only a couple of weeks ago, claimed that Cabinet had "nulled and voided" the indigenisation programme. That was later proven untrue.

Why is Maridadi selective on which issues to discuss and which ones to not discuss? I am afraid that the calibre of the prime minister's aides is very troubling.

In a country with so many learned and skilled people, prime minister Tsvangirai is spoilt for choice. But then again, his judgment has always been questionable. Anyone who sides with a former coloniser cannot be trusted to make the right choices.

Now that donors have pulled the plug on Mr Tsvangirai's newsletter, which I thought was completely unnecessary in the first place, I think the prime minister's PR department is in intensive care.

Nyarai Chidemo can be reached via miss_nyari ***

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