
Saturday, April 03, 2010

(ZIMBABWE GUARDIAN) Zanu-PF youth sing ANC anti-Boer song

Zanu-PF youth sing ANC anti-Boer song
By: SS-tzg
Posted: Saturday, April 3, 2010 5:06 pm

AFRICAN National Congress' youth president Julius Malema flew in to a hero's welcome in Harare on Friday. A crowd of Zanu-PF supporters and Zimbabwean government officials sang a song called 'Dubula Ibhunu' (kill the boer) banned by the Pretoria High Court, as a sign of support.

Flanked by his delegation and hordes of Zanu-PF officials and businessmen, Malema looked surprised on hearing the song from Zanu-PF supporters, but smiled, clapped his hands and started nodding in approval as members of his delegation joined in.

He was then whisked away in a Mercedes-Benz ML owned by President Mugabe's nephew, Patrick Zhuwawo, as part of a 30-vehicle cavalcade.

Right wing white organisation AfriForum brought the interdict against Malema in the Pretoria High Court on Thursday night - the second time Malema had been gagged in less than a week - in a bid, it claimed, "to protect his life".

A viral SMS, which the ANC has deemed a "declaration to kill", spread across the country this week, putting a R2 million bounty on his life.

Meanwhile, 20 000 people have joined an Afriforum Facebook site, paying R10 a time to help fund its court actions in its "Stop Malema" campaign.

Yesterday, an incensed ANC spokesman Jackson Mthembu warned AfriForum and the Freedom Front Plus of the "unintended consequences" of the campaign, saying "apartheid propaganda" like this had led to the assassination of SACP legend Chris Hani. The ANC has approached Police Minister Nathi Mthethwa to investigate who is behind the SMS.

Last Friday, the Johannesburg High Court indirectly silenced the firebrand leader when it ruled that the use of the words "dubula ibhunu" was unconstitutional and unlawful.

Malema is now also expressly forbidden from uttering any song of a similar nature.

Yesterday, Malema received a boost from the Azanian Youth Organisation (Azayo), which said singing Dubula Ibhunu was a reminder of what remained to be done in South Africa.

Azayo spokesman Sibongile Somdaka said the song formed part of South Africa's collective history and could not be abandoned to please "the liberal media and white right-wing groups for the sake of reconciliation".

"So long as there is still a lack of ownership of our land by blacks and fair distribution of resources... Azayo will continue to sing "shoot the boere/dubula ibhunu" in all our gatherings... to remind the coming (sic) of where we come from, and what still needs to be done in the country," he said.

AfriForum youth leader Ernst Roets told the Saturday Star this week that the ruling actually protected Malema.

"People are really frustrated and scared by the statement.

He is putting fuel onto a potential fire. People want to... stop him.

"We are protecting him from himself. If he continues to sing this song he will... make more enemies. He can't continue to... incite racial violence and polarise the country," Roets said.

The ANC yesterday said it was disappointed at Judge Bertelsmann's "lack of consideration" for the song's historical context. "We will now concentrate our efforts in challenging the application... at the Equality Court," said Mthembu.

Earlier this week, the uMkhonto weSizwe Military Veterans Association said it was becoming frustrated by the efforts of "untransformed judges" to subvert its history.

Association president Kebby Maphatsoe said on Wednesday he would use the ANC's September gathering to push for transformation of the judiciary.

"The people sitting there to judge were produced by the apartheid regime," he said.

The Movement for Democratic Change (MDC-T) is downplaying Malema's visit, claiming it is a propaganda visit aimed at promoting failed Zanu-PF policies.

Malema was due to address a Zanu-PF youth rally in the Mbare township before attending a dinner hosted by a Zanu-PF pressure organisation, the Affirmative Action Group.

He is in the country to study the country's nationalisation programmes, which he wishes to implement in South Africa, especially on the mines.

The firebrand leader is tipped to be the next ANC leader and President of South Africa.

After his trip to Zimbabwe, Mr Malema and his entourage will continue their research with visits to China, Chile, Venezuela, Brasil and Cuba.

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