
Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Committee orders for Mumbwa acting council secretary’s dismissal

Committee orders for Mumbwa acting council secretary’s dismissal
By Namatama Mundia
Wed 19 May 2010, 04:00 CAT

THE Parliamentary Committee on Local Governance yesterday directed local government minister Dr Eustarkio Kazonga to fire Mumbwa council acting secretary Dominic Simasiku and deputy treasurer Christopher Sianga for not having the capacity to handle money which they collect.

The committee chaired by Mfuwe PF member of parliament Mwimba Malama expressed disappointment with Mumbwa council for not maintaining their cash book despite the local authority’s collection revenue of K1 billion per month.

The statutory audit report and inspection report revealed that Mumbwa management had failed to keep accurate and updated ledgers so as to provide an overview of the state of affairs of the council. It also indicated that the council had no payroll system in place.

The report further revealed that the accounting systems and internal controls at the council were weak especially on procurement and payment processes. It indicated that the council procured a vehicle, an Isuzu KB300 Reg No ABD 2690 at a cost of K90.7 million without the authority of the district tender committee.

It also highlighted that the council fraudulently prepared receipts and payment statements and that the cashbooks had not been balanced.

It was against this background that the committee recommended for the removal of Simasiku from the council and also directed the Ministry of Local Government and Housing to investigate the local authority.

And Malama said the committee was unhappy with the way Mumbwa council was being run.
Namwala UPND member of parliament Major Robbie Chizyuka expressed disgust at Mumbwa council saying despite the local authority collecting K1 billion, Mumbwa was the dirtiest town in Zambia.

“I am totally disgusted with Mumbwa, we ranked other district councils as being the worst but I think Mumbwa is the worst,” he said.

Chiengi MMD member of parliament Dr Katele Kalumba said prioritisation of service delivery in councils was still a problem.

He said he expects councils to give reasonable services to people.
Meanwhile, Simasiku and Sianga survived being sent to prison for two days for not following procedure in the operation of the council.

The committee directed the duo to leave the room as the parliamentarians discussed whether to have them detained in prison or not.

However, the committee exercised leniency and warned the council authorities to take the parliamentarians’ observations seriously.

Malama expressed frustration at the poor performance of the council and said the two were lucky to escape detention.

“You are lucky that we have decided not to lock you up, you are the richest council, you pay LASF, NAPSA and salaries are up to date. See how you have frustrated this committee, we sent you out to refresh ourselves, you would have spent a night in cells,” said Malama.

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