
Thursday, May 27, 2010

EAZ urges govt to develop local human capital

EAZ urges govt to develop local human capital
By Kabanda Chulu
Thu 27 May 2010, 04:00 CAT

ECONOMICS Association of Zambia (EAZ) Copperbelt chapter chairperson Prof John Lungu has challenged government to put in place strategies to develop local human capital since Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) will never develop this country.

Commenting on the various interventions government has been putting in place to attain economic development over the past few years, Prof Lungu said other countries were getting there but Zambia was still lagging behind.

“We need to put money into young people because they are the entrepreneurs of the future so that when they are educated, they will be in a position to partner with those bringing FDI, you know multinational companies are very crafty they will just make money and leave and in the absence of human capital this country will not be developed,” Prof Lungu said.

“Look at the Asian Tigers, they realised many years ago that their countries can only develop if people embrace education and when FDI started coming, people were ready to do things the right way. So government should be talking about quality of jobs and not just job creation under FDI. Actually government should start thinking about strategies that will develop human capital as a way of developing this country.”

Under the MMD’s policy of economic liberalisation which is anchored on privatisation of state-owned entities, Zambia has seen massive investments under FDI that has resulted in stable macro-economic indicators but this development has not been translated into tangible issues that could benefit ordinary people.

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