Sunday, May 16, 2010

Effects of corruption in Zambia are still immense - Col Panji

Effects of corruption in Zambia are still immense - Col Panji
By Christopher Miti in Chipata
Sun 16 May 2010, 03:40 CAT

COLONEL Panji Kaunda has said the effects of corruption in Zambia are still immense.
And Col Panji suggested that Zambia should have a federal governance system.
In an interview in Chipata, Col Panji said corruption was still rampant in Zambia.

“If somebody steals billion of dollars in the Ministry of Education, the effect of that on the education of our children is immense and the punishment is not enough. Let’s look at punishment; punishment should deter somebody from being corrupt, not sending somebody to jail for a few years and come back to enjoy the loot because it would still be there unless if it was like 50 years or so,” Col Panji said.

He said corruption should be stamped out at all costs.

“Corruption should be stamped out and the police have a big job to do in this country. If people have a perception that police are favouring one individual against the other, then it will give us problems. So really the police command have to be independent.

What happened in Mufumbwe should not happen again. When there is violence the police command must be held accountable because they didn’t stop violence. So they must tell us why violence took place and why the police failed in those areas,” he said.
And Col Panji said Zambia should have a federal governance system.

“Zambia needs to be a federal government, it needs to have nine provincial governors. If you look at the current system, it’s like you have nine lions and you have one bone and if you give them, they will fight so that they get the pieces. But if you have nine bones, each has its own bone, they will not fight that much,” Col Panji said.

“Similarly, in this political situation if you have provincial governors elective by the people, you have the Hakaindes, the Rupiah Bandas, the Satas to go and serve the people in those provinces and it can also be a proving ground whether that leader can go national or not.”

He said such systems could also give people an incentive to work hard. Col Panji said the federal government system had worked well in many countries like South Africa and Nigeria.

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