
Thursday, May 13, 2010

Fr Bwalya has the right to demonstrate - Col Kaunda

Fr Bwalya has the right to demonstrate - Col Kaunda
By Christopher Miti in Chipata
Thu 13 May 2010, 03:00 CAT

COLONEL Panji Kaunda has said the government has mishandled Fr Frank Bwalya’s issue. And Col Panji said the language which was currently being used by political leaders was unZambian. In an interview, Col Panji said Fr Bwalya had the right to demonstrate.

“I think the authorities have mishandled it. Fr Bwalya, you like him or you don’t, he has a right to demonstrate for as long as it is done within the law,” he said. “There is no law which says that you can’t use a colour to demonstrate.”

Col Panji said MMD Lusaka Province chairperson William Banda is not a policeman to deal with Fr Bwalya.

And Col Panji said if the leaders were not showing love to their followers, it means they were now sowing the seeds of hatred in the country.

“Hatred brings in violence. For the last few months, the language between our leaders from government and vice versa has been very unZambian. I hope and pray that somebody somewhere from the church will get hold of our leaders, put them together and see if they can come with an agreement that politics are not personal but politics are about issues,” Col Panji said.

“We differ in issues but we still remain friends, I would like to walk hand in hand with an MMD person. I would like to walk hand in hand with a UPND person and walk hand in hand with a PF person because we are all Zambians but we differ in our approach to issues.”

Col Panji said those in the opposition should be telling people what they would do when they form government while those in government should do what their manifesto say.

“As of now, what we are listening to are personal attacks,” Col Panji said.

“I hope and pray that Zambians will not concentrate on that, come 2011. What we saw in Mufumbwe might be 150 times and that will be bad to Zambia. I have just come back from Nigeria where I went with the old man (Dr Kaunda). People admire the peace that is in Zambia.” He said the constitution law of first past the polls brings a lot of anxieties in the country.

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