
Friday, May 07, 2010

Fr Bwalya reports threats by William Banda to police

Fr Bwalya reports threats by William Banda to police
By George Chellah
Fri 07 May 2010, 04:00 CAT

CHANGE Life Zambia executive director Father Frank Bwalya yesterday reported MMD Lusaka Province chairperson William Banda to the police for threatening violence. In an interview, Fr Bwalya said he has reasons to believe that William’s threats on his life are real.

“Today Thursday, around 13:00 hours I have reported Mr William Banda, Lusaka Province MMD chairperson to Lusaka Central police for threatening violence against me,” Fr Bwalya said.

“I reported to the officer-in-charge Assistant Superintendent B. Namangolwa. Mr Namangolwa delegated detective sergeant Nyambe Lubasi to take the statement and I am going back on Monday at 14:00 hours to be briefed on the way forward.”

Fr Bwalya said he was praying that the police would arrest William and allow the due process of the law to take its course.

“It’s not the first time that Mr William Banda and other MMD cadres have threatened to beat me or kill me for commenting on public issues. This time, however, I have decided to report because I have reasons to believe that their threats on my life are real,” Fr Bwalya said.

“After seeing the violence perpetrated by the MMD in Mufumbwe and the knowledge that in fact Mr William Banda and other UNIP cadres nearly killed that great son of Zambia and Africa the late Simon Mwansa Kapwepwe, who is also the father to our current finance deputy minister Chileshe Kapwepwe. I am living in fear that these guys, particularly Mr William Banda, mean business.”

Fr Bwalya said he was an innocent citizen who should enjoy constitutional freedoms, among them freedom of expression, assembly and freedom to associate.

“Mr William Banda’s threats are at the same time aimed at stopping me from exercising these my freedoms. I think this amounts to a serious violation of my rights and freedoms and it is therefore my prayer that the courts of law will determine the legality of Mr William Banda’s threats aimed at stopping me from distributing red cards in Lusaka Province,” Fr Bwalya said.

“I also pray that once Mr William Banda is brought to book, other people in Zambia who are in the same way intimidating others and threatening violence will be deterred. Finally, I appeal to President Rupiah Banda to stop the behaviour of propagating hate speeches against me because the action is inciting overzealous cadres like Mr William Banda to engage in extra-judicial activities such as the threats on my life.”

Fr Bwalya vowed to continue with his campaign.

“Despite the threats on my life, I am going to continue playing my role as ‘John the Baptist’ regardless of threats from ‘Herod’ to behead me,” he said.
Fr Bwalya dismissed claims that he wants to join the MMD.

“Regarding the propaganda originated by Mr William Banda that I had sent emissaries seeking to join the MMD, I want the public to know how I look at the MMD. Though knowing that the people of Zambia cannot buy that kind of rubbish, I wish to have it on record that I consider the MMD as a smelling corpse to which only a tick will attach itself,” Fr Bwalya said.

Recently, William Banda warned of stern action against Fr Bwalya if he attempts to extend the Red Card Campaign to Lusaka.

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