
Wednesday, May 12, 2010

(HERALD) Banning GMOs can benefit Zim

Banning GMOs can benefit Zim

EDITOR — I am responding to the letter "Rethink ban on GMO chickens" The Herald (May 3, 2010). I do not agree with the writer’s opinion, as there are more benefits to Zimbabwe in banning imports than negatives.

The ban on GMO chickens will increase the market base of local producers, and as volumes of local products increase, prices will also decrease. The banning on GMO chickens is instrumental in empowering the indigenous Zimbabweans to take their place, having been displaced by foreigners.

Zimbabwe will benefit economically as revenue is generated from local markets and employment opportunities are created.

As an agro-based economy, the demand for stock feeds will increase and organisations like GMB, Agri-foods, National Foods, etc, will record high turnover.

Our country has seen a decrease in capacity utilisation due to the economic challenges and we need to give industry a chance to recover.

Instead of wasting scarce foreign currency on importing chickens, the money should be channelled towards worthy and life saving causes like buying medical drugs.

The Government has explicitly stated their goal to revive the economy through empowerment of Zimbabweans.

Importing products that we can produce ourselves will be suicidal and that has driven me to write this letter.

Empowered Zimbabwean.


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