
Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Kunda is an ordained liar, says Kazabu

Kunda is an ordained liar, says Kazabu
By Mwila Chansa in Kitwe
Tue 18 May 2010, 04:00 CAT

UPND chairperson for education, science and technology Luxon Kazabu has charged that Vice-President George Kunda is an ordained liar. And Kazabu has urged former president Frederick Chiluba to show some degree of integrity by taking a stance that goes beyond personal interest.

Commenting on Vice-President Kunda’s statement in Luapula Province that opposition leaders that were promoting violence risked being extradited to the International Criminal Court (ICC) at The Hague to answer for their crimes, in reference to the violence that characterised the Mufumbwe by-elections, Kazabu said telling lies was not compatible with the Office of the Vice-President.

“It is very shameful and embarrassing for a person who holds the position of Vice-President to become an ordained liar,” he said. “He Vice-President Kunda was not in Mushima in Mufumbwe where those churches were burnt. I was in Mushima and I told the story to your newspaper as I saw it. He was never in Mushima himself.”

Kazabu said Zambians knew that the MMD did not get along with the Catholic Church and it was not difficult to guess which party was responsible for smashing the Catholic Church’s windows in Mufumbwe.

He maintained that MMD were the aggressors in Mufmbwe and wondered why they wanted to shift the blame on the UPND.

“It is amazing that our people are being pursued and questioned for this and that. What sort of a society is this? The normal thing would have been for the police to pursue the aggressors,” he said.

“Kunda is in Luapula and busy accusing UPND of violence. Someone holding the position of Republican vice-president should not tell lies just to keep his job. Leaders should not be associated with telling lies. They should tell the truth as it is.”

He said it was sad that Vice-President Kunda who was once a specialist in law had turned out to be a liar. Kazabu also dismissed Vice-President Kunda’s claim that the newly launched party by former Luena parliamentarian Charles Milupi was a breakaway from the UPND.

“Again that is a lie. It is not a secret that in 2006, Milupi applied to be adopted to stand on the MMD ticket in Luena and he only changed his mind to stand as an independent after they refused to adopt him. So Milupi’s party is a splinter from MMD and a satellite for MMD,” he said.

“Can Kunda for once stand credible and match his position? We can’t have a vice-president who tells lies in the morning, in the afternoon and at night. It is a tragedy for the nation.”

Last weekend, Vice-President Kunda said opposition political leaders perpetrating violence would be extradited to The Hague to answer charges of their crimes.

And Kazabu said Chiluba had become politically unstable because of the problems he was going through.

“In 2006, he supported PF because he thought that the late president Levy Mwanawasa was going to incarcerate him for the crimes he committed. President Rupiah Banda did all he could to help Chiluba walk away from his crimes and now MMD has become his darling,” he said.

“I feel sorry for the former president, notwithstanding all that he has gone through. He should show some level of integrity and take a stance based on the truth and not personal interest.”

Kazabu said it remained to be seen how effective Chiluba’s mission to Luapula would be.
“It is important to realise that the chiefs who were gathered there each only hold one vote. The wind of change is blowing across the country and it is unstoppable. MMD should start packing their bags because come next year, they will be dead and buried,” said Kazabu.

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