
Saturday, May 22, 2010

LETTERS - Reinstate windfall taxes

Reinstate windfall taxes
By Edwin Zulu
Tue 18 May 2010, 18:10 CAT


It’s absurd that this government is not ready to introduce windfall taxes in the mines on account of fearing investors to flee, citing an example in Australia where investors probably fled because of taxes.

First, Australia is in a different hemisphere and has different environment with Zambia as well as rules.If the investors there fled it should not bother us so much because we have our own ground rules.

It is a shame and a crime that mine investors should pay $77 million where they reaped $2 billion in a year. Even in church you have to return 10 per cent tithe plus offering which could amount to more money.

Is this happening in other copper-producing countries where investors pay less tax?
Somebody is pocketing the money for selfish use and not considering the masses.
Can a Zambian investor pay tax of less than 1 per cent in Europe or China?

This is neo-colonialism and neo-imperialism which Rupiah Banda's government has allowed sidelining the indigenous people from benefiting in their own country. Rupiah's government is corrupt and reaping where it did not sow than Levy's which was a government of laws and not men.

Re-introduce windfall tax now. Or are you getting your palms oiled at the expense of the majority?

Osatudyela masuku pa mutu.

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