
Tuesday, May 18, 2010

(LUSAKATIMES) Milupi cast doubt on UPND/PF pact survival

Milupi cast doubt on UPND/PF pact survival
Tuesday, May 18, 2010, 8:16

Former Luena Member of parliament Charles Milupi has expressed doubt whether the United Party for National Development and Patriotic Front pact will survive during the 2011 elections.

Mr. Milupi said that the PACT will not survive because of the different objectives that the two parties stand on. Mr. Milupi claims that the UPND president has never mentioned the name of the PF leader Michael Sata in his campaigns.

He adds that if it true that the PACT is meant for the Zambians, UPND president would have been co-campaigning for his counterpart.

Speaking on Monday Nite Live last evening, Mr. Milupi said that Zambians should not be so sure that the pact will survive to the run up to elections.

He stated that some of the members of the opposition UPND indicated to him that they only joined the pact to get access to other areas.

Eddy accused Mr. Milupi of working to divide the votes of the opposition in next year’s parliamentary and presidential by elections.On the programme, One caller, Eddy advised the Mr. Milupi to think twice on his formation of the new political party.

Mr. Milupi resigned his parliamentary seat to take up the leadership of Alliance for Democracy and Development (ADD) party which he officially launched last week.

Eddy accused Mr. Milupi of working to divide the votes of the opposition in next year’s parliamentary and presidential by elections.

He added that Mr. Milupi should learn from the parties that have been launched and nowhere to be seen.

However Mr. Milupi defended himself saying that they are not dividing but only offering his services to the Zambians.

Mr. Milupi says that the whole political mood is shaken up, as the party was formed in addressing real issues.


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