
Monday, May 10, 2010

MMD snubs peace initiative by Church

MMD snubs peace initiative by Church
By Mwala Kalaluka
Mon 10 May 2010, 07:00 CAT

THE three church mother bodies will have to call another inter-party meeting to discuss the issue of political violence after the MMD snubbed the one held at Lusaka’s Taj Pamodzi Hotel last Friday.

According to political party sources that attended the consultative meeting organised by the Zambia Episcopal Conference (ZEC), Christian Council of Zambia (CCZ) and the Evangelical Fellowship of Zambia (EFZ) to discuss the violence that has characterised the political realm, the MMD failed to show up.

The sources said the church mother bodies represented by Fr Joe Komakoma (ZEC), Reverend Pukuta Mwanza (EFZ) and Reverend Suzanne Matale (CCZ) said they would give the MMD a benefit of doubt.

Other political parties like the PF, UPND, ULP, NDF, HP, APC, UNIP, NDF, NRP and NRF attended the meeting that ended shortly after lunchtime on Friday.

“The only problem was that the MMD was not there and so what do you do if the MMD does not come to an inter-party meeting?” the source asked. “They (church mother bodies) said ‘we will give them the benefit of doubt’. They might call another meeting and this time make sure they (MMD) are invited.”

Another source said although the MMD was not there, the party’s chairman for elections Mike Mulongoti was seen around Pamodzi Hotel.

“When he was asked by one of the delegates he said they haven’t received an invitation, which is simply a lie because the church mother bodies said the invitations were delivered by hand,” the source said. “I can confirm that the MMD was not there and the effort of the church was diminished. However, everybody agreed that we would proceed.

They (church) want to give the MMD a benefit of doubt. They will call us again and it is everyone’s hope that for the sake of this country all the political parties should meet to discuss the issue of political violence as it is a serious issue.”

The sources said whether the MMD opts to go to court or not they could still sit down and talk of how to address the problem of violence in the political circles.

“The Zambians are watching,” the source said.
The three church mother bodies issued a statement after the consultative meeting where they stated that preliminary commitment be made that all political parties be represented in all future meetings to enhance inclusiveness.

According to the statement the church mother bodies organised the meeting in line with their biblical and moral obligation to promote peace and reconciliation among political parties.

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