
Thursday, May 20, 2010

Mpombo advises chiefs against taking partisan positions

Mpombo advises chiefs against taking partisan positions
By Patson Chilemba
Thu 20 May 2010, 04:01 CAT

FREDERICK Chiluba is breaking the same law he made by influencing chiefs to engage in partisan politics, Kafulafuta MMD member of parliament George Mpombo has observed.

Commenting on the Luapula chiefs' re-election endorsement of PF rebel members of parliament and the decision to de-campaign any politician who insulted paramount chief Chitimukulu of the Bemba people, Mpombo asked chiefs not to be influenced to take partisan positions because it was the same Chiluba who introduced laws to bar them from engaging in politics. He said Chiluba was breaking the same law he introduced.

“Yes, the whole thing there is a law. Even at NCC National Constitutional Conference, the recent NCC meeting there was a clause that was passed aimed at chiefs against taking partisan politics or to participate in active politics. So of course, he is breaking the same law that he, government passed when he was there," Mpombo said.

"So he discussed politics at that particular forum. And the whole idea was to influence people that came so that they could look at Patriotic Front president Mr Michael Sata in a negative light."

Mpombo said the 'development meeting' was not aimed at discussing developmental issues.

He said the 'development meeting' was aimed at issuing negative terms against Sata and to rouse hostility against him.

“It defeats the whole purpose of having told the nation that it was merely a meeting for development. And also the other thing is that we should keep chiefs out of these kind of politics. Their role is indeed the custodian of our traditional values where all of us are regarded as subjects on equal terms. So I found the utterances, the things that were said against Mr Sata quite went very badly, that amounted to campaigning among chiefs," Mpombo said. "I think it is important to let people make their own decision in terms of who they want to become president, and like I did say my feeling is that the former head of state, I think it's important to refrain from engaging in political shadow boxing because at the end of the day we do not know who is going to become president next year. So if the man who is roundly condemned becomes president, what kind of relationship do we expect in the country? So my view is for him to really take a low profile in terms of politics."

Chiefs in Luapula recently resolved to de-campaign some politicians in next year's elections and that any politician who insulted Chitimukulu should apologise or they would not welcome such politicians at their palaces.

The chiefs, except Mwata Kazembe, also endorsed the re-election of PF rebel members of parliament during the 'development meeting', which was officiated by Chiluba.

And Mpombo said it was miscalculation on Chiluba’s part to campaign for President Banda.

He said Zambians had a different perspective of President Banda.

Mpombo said Chiluba was not capable of changing the people's perception of President Banda as a failure and an under-performer.

"That Chiluba's campaigns is futile attempt, totally futile attempt. You see what happened in UK United Kingdom; it showed that ultimately the power rests with people. You see whether they President Banda and MMD reconcile with Mr Chiluba, I don't think it's an issue. I don't think people can easily be influenced in that way. It's not possible, it's impossible, it's an impossible task," he said.

On Chiluba's statement that he was not campaigning for President Banda because his own works would speak for him, Mpombo said it was not true that President Banda had performed.

He asked Chiluba to point at one major achievement President Banda had scored.

"If anything we have the Mwanawasa Bridge built during late president Mwanawasa's reign. We have other issues like building of secondary schools, clinics, these are issues that were in the MMD programme, and some of these monies were raised a long time ago. I don't think Mr Banda has performed. I would want to see the former president to point at one issue that Mr Banda has done," Mpombo said.

On the calls that Chiluba's benefits should be stripped since he had now engaged in active politics by becoming a consultant for President Banda and MMD, Mpombo advised Chiluba to stay away from active politics before people asked for the scrapping of his benefits.

"Some may wake up one day to say 'no, let's scrap this programme which has been put aside for presidents', and what will be the outcome? Suppose the man they don't want becomes President how is he going to look at them?" asked Mpombo.
FREDERICK Chiluba is breaking the same law he made by influencing chiefs to engage in partisan politics, Kafulafuta MMD member of parliament George Mpombo has observed.

Commenting on the Luapula chiefs' re-election endorsement of PF rebel members of parliament and the decision to de-campaign any politician who insulted paramount chief Chitimukulu of the Bemba people, Mpombo asked chiefs not to be influenced to take partisan positions because it was the same Chiluba who introduced laws to bar them from engaging in politics.

He said Chiluba was breaking the same law he introduced.

“Yes, the whole thing there is a law. Even at NCC National Constitutional Conference, the recent NCC meeting there was a clause that was passed aimed at chiefs against taking partisan politics or to participate in active politics. So of course, he is breaking the same law that he, government passed when he was there," Mpombo said. "So he discussed politics at that particular forum. And the whole idea was to influence people that came so that they could look at Patriotic Front president Mr Michael Sata in a negative light."

Mpombo said the 'development meeting' was not aimed at discussing developmental issues.

He said the 'development meeting' was aimed at issuing negative terms against Sata and to rouse hostility against him.

“It defeats the whole purpose of having told the nation that it was merely a meeting for development. And also the other thing is that we should keep chiefs out of these kind of politics. Their role is indeed the custodian of our traditional values where all of us are regarded as subjects on equal terms. So I found the utterances, the things that were said against Mr Sata quite went very badly, that amounted to campaigning among chiefs," Mpombo said. "I think it is important to let people make their own decision in terms of who they want to become president, and like I did say my feeling is that the former head of state, I think it's important to refrain from engaging in political shadow boxing because at the end of the day we do not know who is going to become president next year. So if the man who is roundly condemned becomes president, what kind of relationship do we expect in the country? So my view is for him to really take a low profile in terms of politics."

Chiefs in Luapula recently resolved to de-campaign some politicians in next year's elections and that any politician who insulted Chitimukulu should apologise or they would not welcome such politicians at their palaces.

The chiefs, except Mwata Kazembe, also endorsed the re-election of PF rebel members of parliament during the 'development meeting', which was officiated by Chiluba.

And Mpombo said it was miscalculation on Chiluba’s part to campaign for President Banda.

He said Zambians had a different perspective of President Banda.

Mpombo said Chiluba was not capable of changing the people's perception of President Banda as a failure and an under-performer.

"That Chiluba's campaigns is futile attempt, totally futile attempt. You see what happened in UK United Kingdom; it showed that ultimately the power rests with people. You see whether they President Banda and MMD reconcile with Mr Chiluba, I don't think it's an issue. I don't think people can easily be influenced in that way. It's not possible, it's impossible, it's an impossible task," he said.

On Chiluba's statement that he was not campaigning for President Banda because his own works would speak for him, Mpombo said it was not true that President Banda had performed.

He asked Chiluba to point at one major achievement President Banda had scored.

"If anything we have the Mwanawasa Bridge built during late president Mwanawasa's reign. We have other issues like building of secondary schools, clinics, these are issues that were in the MMD programme, and some of these monies were raised a long time ago. I don't think Mr Banda has performed. I would want to see the former president to point at one issue that Mr Banda has done," Mpombo said.

On the calls that Chiluba's benefits should be stripped since he had now engaged in active politics by becoming a consultant for President Banda and MMD, Mpombo advised Chiluba to stay away from active politics before people asked for the scrapping of his benefits.

"Some may wake up one day to say 'no, let's scrap this programme which has been put aside for presidents', and what will be the outcome? Suppose the man they don't want becomes President how is he going to look at them?" asked Mpombo.

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