
Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Mulongoti questions Kavindele’s integrity for issuing bad cheque

Mulongoti questions Kavindele’s integrity for issuing bad cheque
By Patson Chilemba
Wed 12 May 2010, 04:01 CAT

WORKS and supply minister Mike Mulongoti yesterday said he will petition the MMD national executive committee (NEC) to take former Republican vice-president Enoch Kavindele to court for allegedly issuing a bounced cheque.

Reacting to Kavindele’s statement that Mulongoti had no integrity to question his standing because he failed to even run his four-bedroomed guesthouse in Kabulonga, Mulongoti wondered what integrity Kavindele had when he could even go to the extent of colouring his hair black.

“Whether he thinks I am a small boy, I am a small boy with grey hair. Him he hides his. I have more integrity that is why I show the colour of my hair. I want you to say that if he is a man of integrity, let him come out for just one week, he should not paint his hair,” he said.

He maintained that Kavindele issued a cheque, which bounced during nominations for the MMD presidency in 2008.

“Supposing he had won we would have a dishonest person in State House,” Mulongoti said.

Asked why the government had not prosecuted Kavindele if he had committed an offence, Mulongoti said he would petition NEC to do so.

“Because he issued that cheque, I have got a copy of that cheque myself,” he said.

Mulongoti reiterated that some years ago, Kavindele allegedly obtained money from TST company with a view to deliver it to the party but had not done so.
He said NEC called for a meeting over the issue but Kavindele failed to provide answers.

“Ask yourself, 82,000 Rands and interest. So he owes the party so much money. How can he talk about my standing?” Mulongoti asked.

On Kavindele’s assertion that he failed to run a four-bedroomed guesthouse, Mulongoti failed to respond directly to the question.

“Tell him that if there are people who have got nkongole credit in this country, I think he should not talk about nkongole. I owe nobody money. He thinks we were not reading in the papers when they were writing about what he owed. Why did he lose that building at Great North Road roundabout?” Mulongoti asked. “He must also know that since he has started a war with the party himself, I am pursuing all issues with him in the party so that we can see where his integrity is. You will recall that some years ago he called a press conference where he declared himself president of the party. Where did it take him because he acted like a person who is not normal?”

On Monday, Kavindele wondered on what basis the party allowed him to challenge President Banda and renew his party card if he were not a member, but Mulongoti said the time for choosing a candidate for the MMD was too short to check people’s backgrounds.

On Kavindele’s statement that President Banda in fact spent about five minutes at the recent MMD card renewal exercise speaking on how valuable he was to the MMD, Mulongoti responded: “ Oh! he President Banda had good words? Just to simply say that ‘I have seen him sitting, it is good’, does it mean that you are a member in good standing? Just tell him that I am petitioning NEC to pursue the cheque and his membership… the problem with him is that he cannot show what he has done for the MMD. My performance is known by everybody. What has he contributed himself other than issuing cheques which bounced.”

Reacting to Mulongoti’s earlier attacks that Kavindele was not a member of MMD, Kavindele responded: “I was indeed at this year’s card renewal and Mr Banda spent five minutes talking about how valuable I was to the party. So now how can a small boy and junior chap state that I was expelled? I am the last elected vice-president of the MMD and if I wished I would even claim through the courts that I be declared the defacto vice-president of MMD because I have never been replaced at all.”

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