
Thursday, May 27, 2010

(NEWZIMBABWE) Ambassador calls US official ‘house slave’

COMMENT - More noise from this foot shuffling House Negro (Malcolm X's words), named after a talkshow host.

Ambassador calls US official ‘house slave’
26/05/2010 00:00:00

ZIMBABWE’S Ambassador to the United States, Dr Machivenyika Mapuranga had to be shuffled out of an Africa Day event in Washington after calling the US Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs Johnnie Carson a ‘house slave’.

Carson, the US ambassador to Zimbabwe between 1995 and 1997, was addressing African envoys at an Africa Day celebration when he was heckled by Mapuranga. The US envoy’s remarks were going on well until he provoked Mapuranga by making critical references to human rights and good governance in Zimbabwe.

"In Zimbabwe, the ruling ZANU-PF government officials continue to hinder democracy through harassment of the opposition and civil society and failure to honor their obligations to open the political space as called for in the Global Political Agreemen," Carson noted in his speach.

Mapuranga decided he had had enough of it and shouted from the audience; "You are talking like a good house slave!"

The crowd hissed "Boo!" and other disapproving comments but Mapuranga wouldn't let it go and continued shouting; "We will never be an American colony, you know that!"

Carson responded by pouring more scorn on Zimbabwe and told Mapuranga that his outbursts would have evoked vicious punishment back home.

"You can sit in the audience in darkness but the light will find you and the truth will find you," Carson told Mapuranga, as event staff tried to quietly encourage the ambassador to get up from his table and leave the event.

Carson added; "It seems that (President) Robert Mugabe has some friends in the room tonight. Unlike in Zimbabwe, they are allowed to speak without oppression, because this is a democracy.

"In Zimbabwe that kind talk of would have been met by a policeman's stick. We don't do that here.”

Event staff managed to convince Mapuranga – who was still shouting at Carson - to leave. His staff filed out behind him.

Relations between the United States and Zimbabwe remain frosty with President Mugabe accusing the US of trying to force regime change in the country by imposing sanctions and sponsoring opposition parties.

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