Monday, May 03, 2010

(NEWZIMBABWE) Full text: Tsvangirai statemement on talks, constitution and Biti

Full text: Tsvangirai statemement on talks, constitution and Biti
by Morgan Tsvangirai
03/05/2010 00:00:00

THE following is a statement issued by MDC leader Morgan Tsvangirai at a media briefing at Harvest House, Harare, on May 3, 2010, touching on a range of issues including recent clashes at the party’s HQ blamed on factional fights between his loyalists and supporters of secretary general, Tendai Biti:

I WANT to restate that the sole and central goal of the MDC is to deliver real change to the people of Zimbabwe through democratic and constitutional processes. We have remained steadfast to this goal from the People’s Convention in February 1999 to the present date. In ensuring the delivery of real change, the MDC faces continued challenges, namely:

Putting finality to the dialogue

As you know the negotiators concluded their talks on April 3rd 2010 and gave their final report to the Principals and President Zuma. Agreement on some issues has been achieved, but on the fundamental issues of Provincial Governors, Attorney General, Roy Bennett, Reserve Bank Governor, Security Sector Reform and Ministerial Portfolios the parties failed to converge. It is important that finality be brought to these issues and in this regard, President Zuma’s office, the SADC Secretariat and the Principals themselves are working to ensure that this is done as expeditiously as possible

Constitutional Reform

The Constitutional Reform process has started, albeit at a pace that we are not comfortable with. The people of Zimbabwe have fought for many years to achieve a people driven constitution. Our party is ready to engage in the constitution making process fully and in this all steps have been taken to ensure that the people’s voice is heard in the consultative process leading to the referendum soon after the second all-stakeholders conference later this year.

Delivery in Government

Ensuring real and positive change is the sole reason the MDC agreed to form this inclusive administration. In this regard the establishment of macro-economic stability and the restoration of the social services, in particular health and education were paramount. Now the fight must focus on the infrastructural transformation of this country and the key areas of water, energy, transport and Information and Communication Technology. In addition, a key area of focus is ensuring that our nation’s natural resources are harvested for the benefit of the many and not just an elite few.

Democratisation Agenda

The democratisation agenda is an imperator to our party. In this regard, we are pushing for real delivery on the part of the recently constituted commissions – the HRC, ZMC, ZEC. When these bodies get going we will see a qualitative improvement in the actualization of fundamental freedoms, the rule of law and democratization in this country.

Attempt to Divert Agenda

The leadership of the MDC is untied in the realization that the above agenda can only be achieved by standing together, by fighting together for the principles upon which this party is based and by ensuring that no retrogressive elements are able to divide the people’s party in its drive to deliver real change to the people of this country.

Recently, there have been sustained attempts to divide the person of the Secretary General and myself, the office of the Secretary General and that of myself. These attempts are not new, they happened in the past and in fact led to the split in the party in 2005. The SG and I have been comrades in this struggle for many, many years and have stood together throughout this time and we will not allow the enemies of real change to succeed in derailing the people’s cause. The process of real change is irreversible and the wishes of Zimbabweans undeniable. The attempt to divide us has been expressed through violence and disturbances at Harvest House, dubious teams sent to provinces preaching gospels of division and baseless and defamatory documents being manufactured and distributed to the press.

We have seen this before. As President of the party, I have received a preliminary report from the commission of enquiry I established to investigate thoroughly the cause of the disturbances and those behind such disturbances. I am shocked by the energy and the magnitude of the efforts to undermine our agenda.

The Way Forward

Let me assure you that this party has a history and a tradition of standing by the will of the people and their desire for true democracy. In the next few weeks, we will concentrate our efforts on the constitution-making process and programs in Government.

Furthermore, we are aware of the impending election and therefore we have started laying the basis of our election campaign. That election is important to deal with the question of legitimacy once and for all in Zimbabwe

Trust me, we are ready for that election or any election. Zimbabweans demand and deserve real change and the MDC will deliver such change.

I thank you.

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