
Saturday, May 29, 2010

Ngondo denies having attended Africa Freedom Day celebrations

Ngondo denies having attended Africa Freedom Day celebrations
By Christopher Miti in Chipata
Sat 29 May 2010, 04:01 CAT

ALL Peoples Congress (APC) leader Ken Ngondo has said he did not attend the Africa Freedom Day celebrations because President Rupiah Banda’s government is following the footsteps of the Frederick Chiluba regime.

Briefing the press in Chipata on Thursday, Ngondo refuted media reports that he attended the commemorations that were held in Lusaka on Tuesday.

“I want to comment on what came out in the public media especially the Daily Mail also on ZNBC television that All Peoples Congress president attended the celebrations. This is a lie, I wasn’t there. I have been in Eastern Province since last Saturday,” Ngondo said.

“I did not attend Africa Freedom Day celebrations as Ken Ngondo and my family that was invited by the government of the day because I feel President of the Republic of Zambia Rupiah Bwezani Banda and his government of the MMD is following the footsteps of the Chiluba government where they never respected the freedom fighters.”

He said it was bad that the government did not care for the people who fought for the country.

“Hardly a month ago, we lost Honourable Haswell Mwale, one of the founders of UNIP and the founders of this nation. He was among the gang of the people who produced UNIP. The men never got respected by the Chiluba government, neither the Rupiah Banda’s government,” Ngondo said. “He late Mwale was in UTH, the President of the day never visited him. I don’t know, he couldn’t be sent to South Africa for major spinal operation. At the same time he was in Intensive Care Unit I was also in Intensive Care Unit for pneumonia. Now coming to Haswell Mwale, it pains me so much. If we talk of Africa Freedom Day, these are the people the government should respect. Yes, they are entitled to state funeral but I would have expected the Head of State, to have him at the graveyard, to bury our colleague, but it was only Dr Kaunda, myself and others. To me they do not care about these freedom fighters.”

He said a few days after Mwale’s death, Vice-President George Kunda was flown to South Africa for medical review.

“As I am talking to you now in Eastern Province, we have Dr Siteke Mwale who is still working as Ambassador Great Lakes Region. He is very sick; he was taken to South Africa by a son. He has come back, he is not well. He is at home. He was admitted to the Intensive Care Unit. The government of the day has not even considered to continue with the medication that he was getting in South Africa,” Ngondo revealed. “Can we say we love each other? Can we say we are not tribalists? Can we say we love the people of Zambia? Can we say we love freedom fighters? So to me Africa Freedom day for this year does not make any sense at all. It’s one of those calendar days that have no meaning and this is why I didn’t attend. I have been attending all Africa Freedom Days in the past.”

He said the government needed to reflect on Africa Freedom Day and its meaning.
Ngondo also said briefcase companies had invaded most parts of the country because of the government’s delays to start buying crops.

“We have seen briefcase companies buying maize. Where is the government of the day to buy the maize? We are seeing figures of US $150 million provided, but they are not buying maize from the people. They are telling them to wait until it’s dry, it’s too wet. Meanwhile, the so-called briefcase companies are assisting our people. Our people have got hospital bills, school bills and other bills to pay,” Ngondo said. “What can we do? Tell me young people of today. Is this the government that is caring? We need a deep reflection of what is going on in the nation. The judiciary when it wants to act it acts, but this interference from the executive will create chaos.”

He said although the three arms of government appeared separated in theory, they were practically not.

“Anybody who criticises the government of the day is an enemy, let’s not forget this is a multiparty country. We need people who can provide checks and balances. Let’s not, because of poverty, regard those in opposition to be enemies of Zambia. Let’s persist in protecting everybody. Let’s have everybody have the freedom of speech,” Ngondo said.

He also said APC did not participate in the Milanzi by-election because it was called at short notice.

Ngondo said he was seriously preparing for next year’s general election.
He said the politics of the Chiluba government who thought that money was everything needed to go.

“We are preparing seriously for next year. We are all recruiting young people. Why young people? There had been so many policies by the government assuring empowering of young people. Tell me, who has been empowered? Citizens empowerment that is being talked about, tell me how many people have been empowered.” asked Ngondo. “So politics of compromise have to go, politics of provinces they have to go, politics of Chiluba government who thinks money is everything has to go. We know that during elections money is dished anyhow, young people should think about this. Is this what you want your country to be?”

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