
Saturday, May 08, 2010

Nkombo cautions Mangani against abusing his office

Nkombo cautions Mangani against abusing his office
By Chibaula Silwamba
Sat 08 May 2010, 04:10 CAT

MAZABUKA Central UPND legislator Gary Nkombo has cautioned home affairs minister Lameck Mangani that Zambians shall punish him when he leaves office if he continues abusing his office to persecute political opponents. Nkombo accused Mangani of ruthlessly targeting perceived opponents of President Rupiah Banda.

“Home affairs minister Mr Lameck Mangani, Inspector General of Police Francis Kabonde and President Mr Rupiah Banda are dangerously coming very close to fit the text book definition of the Gestapo agents that wreaked havoc under the dreadful Hitler regime in Germany as he ruthlessly targets those he perceives to be critical of the way they are managing state business and governance,” Nkombo stated on Tuesday.

“I would like to caution you minister that if you continue this abuse, people shall remember to punish you with the same venom when you are no longer holding public office and please do not forget this that whilst human beings come and go, institutions remain and the only thing that is constant in life is change.”

He stated that Mangani should not think that he could jump on a high horse, drunk with ill-gotten power and think he could cower people with divergent views into silence.

“It is extremely ridiculous that this scandalously politically base man masquerading as a public servant can even be allowed to be minister of home affairs, a ministry that is supposed to be in the fore-front of protecting citizens not threatening them with arrests or investigations,” he stated.

“Under Mangani as home minister, no one has been spared of a threat of either an investigation or an arrest as long as they are perceived to be enemies of Banda and this is unacceptable behavior. It must be condemned by a large section of the Zambian community that pay Mangani through tax contributions.”

He stated that Zambians would not remain silent and watch MMD abuse public office at the expense of taxpayers’ money in a bid to shut perceived enemies up.

“They must be warned that the same tactics they are using against the oppositions now will be used against them when the MMD falls in 2011,” stated Nkombo.

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