
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

PF has infiltrated MMD - Kabimba

PF has infiltrated MMD - Kabimba
By George Chellah
Tue 25 May 2010, 04:02 CAT

PATRIOTIC Front (PF) secretary general Wynter Kabimba yesterday warned that the ruling MMD shall bear the consequences of rigging the 2011 presidential elections.

Reacting to MMD national secretary Dr Katele Kalumba’s statement that President Banda had done all the groundwork to fight the campaign next year, Kabimba said PF was fully aware of the schemes.

“As PF, we are not surprised at the confidence shown by Dr Katele Kalumba regarding the so-called groundwork to ensure that RB wins next year’s presidential elections. And we also believe him when he says that he has been legitimately sanctioned to assure the MMD that RB will win the 2011 election,” Kabimba said.

“And when he further says ‘so you may not see some of these things now but as national secretary I can assure you...’ If I didn’t know, I wouldn’t have been here to tell you.’ What Katele is actually referring to is the rigging process, which the MMD have put in place in order to try to win the 2011 elections.

“There is nothing for Katele to brag about that we don’t know as PF. The people of Zambia have made up their mind that the MMD government should go and it shall go whether their political consultant is Chiluba or VJ or Neo Simutanyi because the time has come. The MMD, and in particular, those involved shall bear the consequences of trying to stifle the choice of the people of Zambia to be governed by leaders of their choice at the ballot box.”

Kabimba said PF was equally confident of winning the 2011 elections.

“We know exactly the scheme that Katele is referring to and which scheme we are privy to which they have kick-started to try to win the 2011 election. Although, Katele didn’t attend the meeting which was held at Andrews Motel and Siavonga on the 14th and 15th November 2009, we know that as national secretary he is the architect of that scheme or that meeting,” Kabimba said.

“What I want Katele to know is that we know everything that is going on in the MMD. We know about this meeting on the 14th and 15th of November 2009, which was attended among other people by Dr Francis Chigunta who is RB’s policy analyst, Mr VJ Mwaanga, William Banda, Edwin Lifwekelo, Gregory Chifire, Kelvin Sampa, Neo Simutanyi and the former PF secretary general Edward Mumbi.

“We also know from that meeting that the biggest worry for the MMD was the PF/UPND Pact. We also know from the same meeting that MMD is a divided politically party which can’t win the 2011 elections without rigging those elections by that clique of people who are actually nothing but traitors of the democratic principles as enshrined in our constitution and embraced by the people of Zambia today.”

Kabimba said Katele should know that PF has infiltrated the MMD.

“There are so many of MMD members today in Cabinet, NEC and the general membership that are members of PF. So there is nothing that they will ever do under the sun or under the cover of darkness, which will not be brought to our attention. I want him to know that wherever more than two MMD members meet there shall be a PF informer. So even if they reduced this group that attended the 14th and 15th November 2009 meeting to 3, one or two of those will be PF informers,” Kabimba said. “And I would like to challenge the people that have been mentioned there to deny the fact that they didn’t attend that meeting because I can produce and publish not only the names of the people that attended but the minutes of the entire proceedings to show Katele that he is not as clever as he thinks and to show the MMD that they have become so porous as an organisation and so unpopular that nothing will make them retain power in 2011.”

Kabimba advised the intelligence against being used by politicians.

“It’s sad to note that whereas in the past we only suspected that some of the intelligence officers were actually helping the MMD to rig elections, we now have clear evidence of the names of these officers. And for the list that I have given the officers that attended the meeting should know that we know,” Kabimba said.

“We thought that the intelligence system was intended to protect the state and not to maintain the corrupt regime in power. The goodness is that all these things come to pass. A good example to give is the former president of Peru Alberto Fujimori, who is serving a jail sentence with his former intelligence chief.

“And I am sure when the two were scheming against the people of Peru they thought they were clever. But events caught up with them for working against the suffering masses of Peru whose only demand and cause was to live under a corrupt free regime. Fujimori is now wearing a prisoner’s uniform and not a suit. Only a foolish man would ignore such clear historical events. And only a foolish man would think that he is insulated against such historical events. so there is nothing Katele can brag about.”

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