
Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Rupiah can’t reason, charges Sata

Rupiah can’t reason, charges Sata
By George Chellah
Tue 04 May 2010, 04:30 CAT

RUPIAH Banda cannot reason, Patriotic Front (PF) leader Michael Sata has observed.
Reacting to President Banda's recent remarks that leaders of the pact have shown their true colours that they would do anything at their disposal to get into power, Sata dismissed President Banda's assertions.

"What true colours is he talking about? He wants to make noise about violence but in Milanzi where we contested there was no violence and his minister of home affairs Lameck Mangani has confirmed," Sata said.

"Did Rupiah go to Livingstone to go and insult people? He is just a jittery President. It’s clear that he was scared to celebrate May Day in Lusaka that's why he rushed to Livingstone."

He said President Banda was the least person to even talk about violence.

"Tell Rupiah that we know and have not forgotten how himself and William Banda humiliated that gallant freedom fighter the late Simon Mwansa Kapwepwe, may his soul rest in peace. We know Rupiah is violent and obviously he will just say to the police that banyateni step on them." he said.

Sata said President Banda was an embarrassment.

"I told this man last time that the vocabulary of insults is very limited and very soon he will run out of insults to unleash, that’s the sad part about insults. So we the people he is constantly insulting are not bothered at all," Sata said.

"Why is he insulting people on a daily basis? Why can't he reason? What type of a President is he who fails to reason? He fails to reason. Today, he will say that 'I am mad' and tomorrow he will call others puppies. What type of a President is this one?

"Rupiah and team claim to be intellectuals and yet they shy away from constructive debates. They simply can't engage the opposition with ideas.
Politics is about ideas and convincing the electorate and not the Rupiah way of insulting opponents and unleashing the police including the IG on political opponents, that's ancient."

Sata said he was not surprised with President Banda's behaviour.

"He is a hijacker President," he said.

He said President Banda must be ashamed of losing Mufumbwe.

“I was MMD national secretary for six years and it’s the first time for the MMD to lose two parliamentary seats in one year and in the same province for that matter. But Rupiah can't see the danger in these loses,” Sata said.

“Rupiah is the first MMD President who has given away the Mufumbwe seat. It has never happened in the MMD's history and I am sure that even those who know MMD well and have been with the MMD for a long time will agree with me.”

Sata said there was nothing for the ruling MMD to be proud of over the Milanzi seat.

“They keep claiming that they went to school and they have degrees and yet they can't even understand a simple word such as landslide. What landslide victory are they talking about in Milanzi?” asked Sata.

“Rupiah doesn't know the meaning of landslide. Let them calculate the opposition vote and their vote and see if that will translate into a landslide. A landslide is what we handed them in Kasama Central and not that struggle they had in Milanzi as if it’s not their so-called stronghold.

“In fact, Milanzi has shown that Eastern Province is no longer an MMD stronghold because if it was they should have had a convincing win and not the struggle they had just to cross the line. The Milanzi by-election has just given me strength to continue bombarding them in Eastern Province and I can assure you that come next year they won't even know what has hit them because PF has grown in that province.”

Sata’s comments come in the wake of President Banda’s recent statement that the leaders of the pact had shown their true colours in that they could do whatever it takes to get into power. President Banda blamed the UPND for the violence that characterized the election campaigns in Mufumbwe.

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