
Saturday, May 01, 2010

Rupiah has become a burden to MMD, says Mpombo

Rupiah has become a burden to MMD, says Mpombo
By Patson Chilemba
Sat 01 May 2010, 04:10 CAT

GEORGE Mpombo yesterday charged that the election results in Milanzi and Mufumbwe show that President Rupiah Banda has become a very big political burden to the MMD and the party should start head-hunting for a new president.

And MMD national secretay Katele Kalumba said the MMD defeat in the Mufumbwe parliamentary by-election was expected because UPND had made "major infiltration" into North-Western Province.

Meanwhile, Patriotic Front (PF) president Michael Sata urged the people of Eastern Province to open their eyes to the reality that people wanted change.

Commenting on the MMD's defeat in Mufumbwe as well as their victory in Milanzi constituencies, Mpombo - who is Kafulafuta MMD member of parliament and former defence minister - said the MMD should be sad because they had lost their own seats consecutively, in Mufumbwe and Solwezi.

He said there was also nothing to be proud of over the victory in Milanzi because the opposition PF had made inroads into the area, saying they had been making progress with each election.

"Results in both constituencies actually show that clearly Mr Banda has become an albatross, a very big burden to the political fortunes of the MMD and he should immediately step down so that the party can start re-organising itself because the results in both Mufumbwe and Milanzi are a referendum on his leadership," Mpombo said.

"The results are very clear that he is a liability to the political fortunes of the party and that the MMD should start head-hunting for a candidate that will revive the political fortunes of the party."

Mpombo said President Banda's undemocratic conduct and stubbornness had not gone well with the people.

"In fact, it would be hollow celebration over Milanzi victory. I mean there is nothing to be proud about because this is the second seat we have lost in North Western Province. And the loss of Mufumbwe is a clear manifestation that the party has lost North-Western Province and the party should now show the nation which province has taken over from North-Western Province," Mpombo said.

"Because in political analysis, the party is actually on it's way to Damascus, on its way to a very big political Armageddon. They have lost in Mufumbwe and the opposition have made tremendous inroads in Katete. So there is nothing to celebrate about. It is a sad moment for the party."

Mpombo said the violence which characterised the Mufumbwe elections should be blamed on President Banda because he failed to display leadership qualities. He said he expected President Banda to come out strongly and not take partisan sides by defending the MMD cadres.

"Because there is evidence; Honourable Kakoma the way he was beaten, the intention was to kill. Even the police should have come out strongly. As a leader, when these things are happening you should rise above partisan positions. The back ends at Rupiah Banda's desk,” Mpombo said.

“He should take responsibility. This is what leadership is all about. This was a very serious issue because it paints a very bad picture for 2011. But Mr Banda has proved himself to be a total failure and his leadership is no longer relevant to Zambia."

And Katele Kalumba conceded defeat over the Mufumbwe elections.

"We expected it. But we have done better than we expected because we know that we had some major infiltration by UPND in that Province. We know that. We are not politically blind to the fact," Kalumba said. "It does obviously raise concern to every political party.

To lose a seat which you held is not something pleasant. But we also have to look at the facts on the ground. The change as you probably have seen was in local government. We seem to have had problems in Zambezi and Mwinilunga."

Kalumba said the MMD should refine its message in North-Western Province, saying the party would not give up on the province.

"It happens that provinces can begin to have questions about where they stand politically. But we are looking on our members of parliament from North-Western Province to redouble their efforts. We are grateful in Kasempa we won the local government by-elections.

That tells you that all is not lost. I am looking at the margins, it's not the way we have hammered these people here Milanzi," said Kalumba. "Our call is upon the MPs and councilors in North-Western Province to get back to the basics; get back to the drawing board and reach our people. Now at the same time you must give us credit, in politics you can't have it all. We were the only party divided according to our fighting capacity."

Meanwhile, Sata said he was glad that PF got over 2000 genuine votes in Milanzi unlike the MMD which got votes through buying voters’ cards. He said he had been making progress in Milanzi from 2006.

"We had only 600 votes in 2006. When we went back in 2008, we had 1600 votes. now we have moved to over 2000 genuine votes. So the MMD are waning out," Sata said.

He said the MMD was exploiting the people’s poverty. Sata said the MMD majority in parliament had now been reduced to 13 including the nominated members of parliament.

"And despite the behaviour of our 13 or 14 members of parliament, MMD should think seriously," said Sata. "You can see we are reducing them. I am appealing to our brothers and sisters in Eastern Province to open their eyes and see that the whole country wants change. It is themselves, if they don't want change that is their problem."

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