
Thursday, May 13, 2010

Rupiah is a tribal introvert, says Mpombo

Rupiah is a tribal introvert, says Mpombo
By Patson Chilemba
Thu 13 May 2010, 04:00 CAT

RUPIAH Banda's tribalism has now reached a boiling point, Kafulafuta MMD member of parliament George Mpombo observed yesterday.

Commenting on Paramount Chief Mpezeni of the Ngoni people of Eastern Province’s statement that President Rupiah Banda should tribally balance his Cabinet because Ngonis were not represented, Mpombo said President Banda's tribalism had reached alarming levels such that even chiefs like Mpezeni were beginning to speak on the matter.

"It has reached boiling point, alarming. It has assumed frightening dimensions in the country. You know, Mr Banda must be reminded that since independence we have enjoyed peace because of careful tribal balancing,” Mpombo said. “Therefore, he should ditch his arrogance.

So as a leader he must humble himself. It doesn't mean that if he surrounds himself with his own people he has security, no. Look at State House, State House has been reduced to a tribal hub, complete tribal hub. All his senior advisors are from his area. State House must be for the 72 tribes like it was during late president Levy Mwanawasa, KK and Chiluba tried to do so."

Mpombo said tribalism was a deeply ingrained quality in President Banda.

"And you see President Rupiah Banda is what one would call a tribal introvert. To him tribalism is the way things should be done," he said.

Mpombo said looking at the Cabinet lineup, it was clear to see that most people appointed by President Banda were from his area.

"I think the non-appointment of a Ngoni minister, I think is a deliberate and calculated move to sideline the Ngonis. I want to agree with the sentiments of Paramount Chief Mpezeni that Mr Rupiah Banda must listen to the people. In public office you are a servant, not a master of the people. And this kind of arrogance is taking the country nowhere," Mpombo said. "You see the issue of Zamtel; he bulldozed his way...the optic fibre."

Mpombo said the observation by Mpezeni did not come as a surprise because President Banda's tribalism was too alarming to be ignored by anyone.
"This man actually thrives on tribalism but he forgets that it is the whole country that campaigned for him," he said.

Mpombo said President Banda had been going round telling people that he Mpombo was critical of the government because he was not appointed Republican Vice-President.

"I find this disgusting because you see for me the greatest blessing that God bestowed on me is not to work under Mr Banda, because Mr Banda is a political bully. He likes bullying his way. That is why you are seeing even educated people serving under him have their mental faculties degazzetted, completely degazzetted. They are just following what Mr Banda is saying," Mpombo said. "I can assure you most of the people serving under him are in a very difficult position because Mr Banda wants to carry out whatever he believes in. That's why you find even professional people behaving like yoyos."

On Mpezeni's observation that those close to President Banda were misleading him, Mpombo referred to those surrounding President Banda as a cabal group which was responsible for the ineptitude in his performance. He said President Banda had on several occasions failed public opinion.

"The recent meeting in Dar es Salaam Tanzania, we saw our President hobnobbing with extremely junior people like deputy ministers, foreign ministers and there he was, alone. Why didn't he send even our Ambassador? And think of it, the man travels all the way to go and make a critical statement about NGOs in Zambia," Mpombo said.

He said Mpezeni had hit the nail on the head over the issue of tribalism and that President Banda was being misled.

"He is damn right. He has actually summed up the correct situation on behalf of the entire nation. So he is dead right," said Mpombo.

In an interview on Tuesday, Mpezeni asked President Banda to tribally balance his Cabinet because the Ngonis were not represented. He also said a few ministers close to President Banda were misleading him.

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