Sunday, May 09, 2010

Satanists wished me dead, says Kunda

Satanists wished me dead, says Kunda
By Chibaula Silwamba
Sun 09 May 2010, 04:00 CAT [

VICE-President George Kunda yesterday said evil people, sadists and Satanists wished him dead and circulated rumours about his purported demise but he came out as a martyr.

And Vice-President Kunda, who was away for three weeks, alleged that Patriotic Front (PF) leader Michael Sata had called Zambia’s High Commissioner to South Africa Leslie Mbula to confirm reports that he Vice-President Kunda had died.

Addressing journalists at Lusaka International Airport on his arrival from Johannesburg, South Africa, where he underwent medical treatment, Vice-President Kunda said rumours about his purported death had devastated his family, friends and relatives.

“I got wind of the rumour which circulated in Zambia and this is contrary to our Zambian culture, Christian beliefs and values,” Vice-President Kunda, who wore a heavy brown coat, said.

“The rumour was circulated about my purported demise and this must have been fabricated definitely by some criminals, sadists, and, in fact, Satanists because this is not our culture. These are some of the things which are coming from outside the country such as homosexuality because these people who are invading the country, they are heartless. These are not things which we do here in Zambia.”

Vice-President Kunda said it was unfortunate that there were bizarre characters in Zambia that enjoyed inflicting pain on others.

“By this heartless rumour, my enemies and enemies of government and the ruling party MMD intended to create tension in the country to weaken us so that we can lose focus and the capacity to defend our President, government and the MMD,” Vice-President Kunda said.

“To the contrary, this ungodly and criminal act has made me stronger and somewhat elevated me to the status of a martyr. The Zambian society is substantially Christian and God fearing and intercedes and prays for the sick.”

Vice-President Kunda said his school-going children were affected by the rumour.
“I must also mention that this speculation about my purported demise has been devastating to my family, friends, and relatives.

While as a politician I am not moved by these desperate attempts and schemes, the same cannot be said of my children some of whom are at school and have friends,” Vice-President Kunda said. “This is cruelty and evil of the worst order. Let us not play politics of this kind. My appeal to all Christians in Zambia is to condemn this kind of behaviour.”

Vice-President Kunda bragged about his “deep rooted Christian faith”.
“Those who did this did not know that I am spiritually stronger and a believer and follower of the Lord Jesus Christ.

I am one of those who strongly believe that Zambia should remain a Christian nation. From what I read in the Zambia Daily Mail, whilst in South Africa, I am concerned that even some homosexuals have joined the crusade of fighting the declaration of Zambia as a Christian nation, that they want a secular state,” Vice-President Kunda said.

“If Zambia loses its Christian values, rumour mongering of this nature, witchcraft, sadism, Satanism and heartless behaviour will take centre stage in Zambia. The evil rumour was fuelled by lies suggesting that I was evacuated to South Africa in an emergency situation. Ladies and gentlemen, this is a lie.

“The true position is that I went to South Africa Morningside Clinic by commercial aircraft. The air tickets are there, just in the same way I have come back,” sad Vice-President Kunda, who came aboard a South African Airways commercial flight around 13:00 hours and was welcomed by ministers, deputy ministers and a horde of MMD cadres.

“I boarded the aircraft unaided and stayed in a hotel for two days before commencing my medical review. I was not evacuated. I went as per prior appointment with my physician.”

Vice-President Kunda explained about his strenuous Mufumbwe campaign trail before his trip to South Africa, adding that he had been going for medical treatment for a long time.

“For those who don’t know, before I went to South Africa, I addressed 10 campaign rallies in Mufumbwe with other ministers. This is not the first time that I have been to South Africa for medical treatment and reviews,” said Vice-President Kunda, with his wife Irene on his side.

“For your information, I started going to Morningside Clinic during the reign of the late president Dr Levy Patrick Mwanawasa, State Counsel, may his soul rest in peace. The late president facilitated the treatment of many Zambians outside the country, including his political opponents such as Mr Michael Sata.”

Vice-President Kunda said President Banda, with his kind and considerate heart, had continued with the practice and policy of taking Zambians abroad for medical treatment.

However, Vice-President Kunda confirmed that he was admitted to Morningside Clinic.

“For your information, medical review may entail admitting a patient to hospital and this is what happened to me.

Here at home, my medical review has been politicised with some opposition political leaders hoping that my purported demise would turn out to be true. What kind of hatred is this?” Vice-President Kunda asked.

“Mr Sata, the PF president, rang our High Commissioner in South Africa asking for confirmation of my demise. On the first occasion, he was told, ‘the rumour was malicious and unfounded’. He rang again for the second time, accusing the High Commissioner and the government of lying about my purported demise and when he was told I was still alive, his reaction was, ‘thank God he is still alive’, of course with a forked tongue.”

Vice-President Kunda said it was common knowledge that Sata had publicly talked about his Vice-President Kunda’s health and accused the government of giving false information about his condition.

Vice-President Kunda passed a personal message to Sata, reminding him about his medical condition, which he claimed to know.

“Mr Sata, let me tell you. There is a lot we know about your health. However, we have remained committed to our Christian values. Your health should remain between you and your doctors. Ironically, you are behaving as if you have not been the subject of similar rumours before.

You should know better and instead discourage such hatred, rumour mongering,” Vice-President Kunda said.

“As Christians we should pray for the sick. Where I pray at Mary Immaculate Church and indeed any Catholic church, we pray for the sick. Like anybody else, I also need medical treatment and also need your prayers for good health.”

Vice-President Kunda urged those in the government and MMD to be focused on defending President Banda and promoting the ideals of the party.

“Let us be united. Our enemies shall continue with these and similar schemes. We should remain focused and ensure that our President is re-elected in 2011. On my part, I shall continue to hammer these people,” Vice-President Banda pledged.

“Our opponents do not talk about development and the economy and progress any more. They are preoccupied with violence and destabilising the country.

They are dedicated to creating instability and tension in the nation.”

Vice-President Kunda said Zambians must emulate South Africans.

“Where I went to South Africa, people are busy preparing for the World Cup 2010 and deliberating on how it can benefit their economy.

They are selling T-shirts, souvenirs and selling their country to the outside world. They have united in patriotism to promote tourism and their national economy, generally. Even here, these are issues we should be discussing,” Vice-President Kunda said.

“The World Cup can benefit the entire SADC region and Zambia is no exception. We should not spend time on idle talk. Of course, us in government we are every day talking about development and the economy.”

Vice-President Kunda said the opposition in Zambia were not offering any constructive alternative. He thanked people that gathered to welcome him at the airport.

“Thank you the ministers present here, deputy ministers, party officials. It’s so nice to be back home. I have missed the nshima for three weeks and I am very grateful to the government, to the President, to the party leadership, the provincial chairman and the Zambians who have received me here. This shows that the people of Zambia were praying for me, there is a lot of sympathy and encouragement,” Vice-President Kunda said.

“We have been received so well with the second lady Mrs Kunda and for this I must show my appreciation. To the President who facilitated my medical review in South Africa, I wish to thank him most profusely for this. My brothers and sisters, once again I thank you most sincerely for the sympathy. Thank you!”

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