
Monday, May 17, 2010

(TALKZIMBABWE) Zimbabwe, Senegal back Iran's nuclear right

Zimbabwe, Senegal back Iran's nuclear right
By: iS-TZG
Posted: Monday, May 17, 2010 5:14 am

ZIMBABWE and Senegal's foreign ministers have expressed their support for Iran's right for peaceful nuclear energy, the semi-official ISNA news agency reported on Sunday.

Speaking on the sidelines of Tehran's Group 15 (G15) Ministerial Meeting on Saturday, Senegalese Foreign Minister Madicke Niang said, "Senegal has always believed that all the countries should have access to peaceful nuclear energy and Iran as a member of the international community has this right as well, " the report said.

"Iran has declared that it needs nuclear energy for peaceful purposes and no one has the right to deprive Iran of its right," he was quoted as saying.

Zimbabwe's Foreign Minister Simbarashe Mumbengegwi also said that "All the countries have the right to gain access to peaceful nuclear energy within the international regulations."

"Those who criticized Iran for having access to peaceful nuclear energy, not only have nuclear energy, but also nuclear weapons and weapons of mass destruction," said Mumbengegwi.

The United States is leading a push to press for new sanctions against Iran on the ground the Middle East country is developing "a clandestine nuclear programme", but Tehran insists that its nuclear programme is fora peaceful purpose.

The 14th summit of the Group 15 (G15) developing nations in Tehran is slated for today (Monday).

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