
Wednesday, May 05, 2010

(ZIMBABWE GUARDIAN) Nazism and Apartheid operating in South Africa with Western approval

Nazism and Apartheid operating in South Africa with Western approval
Lloyd Whitefield Butler Jr

“Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.”
“What absurdities will not men defend! If the Gospel will tolerate slavery, what will it not authorize [slavery, apartheid and colonialism]?

“Nazi salutes and swastikas as hundreds gather for funeral of murdered white supremacist Eugene Terreblanche - Their arms raised in a Nazi salute, thousands of angry white followers greet the coffin of Eugene Terreblanche as it leaves [Christian] church.”

THE present situation in Southern Africa is, in my opinion, headed toward a racial war in order to return land stolen and seized under Western American Nazi Colonial pre and post Apartheid aggression.

Honourable Julius Malema, President of the African National Congress Youth League is condemned by the 'World White Web' and African colonial press for singing a song about shooting a Nazi Apartheid Colonial invader but White Afrikaner Nazi Apartheidists can maintain segregated white-only Christian churches, publicly salute each other in Adolf Hitler’s Nazi Storm Trooper style, profess a secessionist doctrine of a White-only South Africa, and pledge allegiance with a Nazi symbol flag; and nothing is said from the racist SA Supreme Court, the White House or U.S. State Department or Buckingham Palace.

Article continues below

Before this war starts, preventable measures should be implemented. For example: The African National Congress, the Honourable Nelson Mandela, and His Holiness Bishop Desmond Tutu should face a public tribunal called into legal session to explain in detail the purpose, ways, and means that the SA Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s findings and conclusions were to compensate, restitute, and reparate the masses of Black South Africa who bore the brunt of American European Nazi Apartheid.

The fact that the Truth and Reconciliation Commission was reduced to a state sponsored “police brutality” case is beyond human legal comprehension. Who or what prevented ANC, Mr. Mandela and Bishop Tutu from establishing a War Crimes Tribunal that is required by international law?

The ANC, Mr. Mandela and Bishop Tutu should be made to explain and document to African people why the establishment of colonialism, Apartheid, and the European TransAtlantic Slave Trade are not Crimes Against Humanity.

If America, Britain, and European Union can find time to suggest Zimbabwe and Sudan should be brought before an international court; what should be done concerning these same Western enterprises that are responsible for millions in death, theft, looting, extermination, and enslavement?

The support of International Banker Arrangements with apartheid South Afrikaners is well documented. “The ANC was so outraged on the occasion of the third such agreement that they were provoked into condemning the [foreign banks] Arrangement as an act of "inhumanity" whose purpose was that: "of helping perpetuate the evil system of apartheid.... When the time comes, the South African people will not be unmindful of the role of banks in making profit out of the misery of our people."

The culpability of the world banking community in perpetuating Apartheid is aptly, if inadvertently, captured by the then director of finance and previous Reserve Bank Governor, Chris Stals: If the world banking community should effectively exclude South Africa from international trade and payments systems, it would be a much more effective sanctions measure than trade sanctions applied by governments.

Thabo Mbeki in a recent document offers an insightful explanation."The Apartheid ruling group imposed on the country an unprecedented debt burden whose acquisition had to do exclusively with shifting the balance of force during the period of transition from Apartheid to democracy, so that this anti-democratic group would not be as weakened, politically, as it would otherwise be, in contradistinction to the democratic movement.”

There is no distinction between America’s Peculiar Institution, Colonialism, Nazism, and Apartheid. These institutional systemic viruses arch network systems of overt oppression operated with deadly cruel and unusual punishments against the African Negroid people. The aim of these smartbombed, cluster blasting systems of oppression is to perpetually bombard the African of his birthright, inheritance, and family utility worldwide.

Nazism has been judged to be A Crime Against Humanity which is a Crime Against Nature itself. So, why are its Hitlerian counterparts and inheritors still worshiped and held up as heroes in 2010?

Cecil Rhodes and Stanley Livingston, Charles Robberts, Swart Marais, Viljoen, Pieter Willem Botha, were all fascist Nazi presidents that deserve an historical court marshal and conviction for their continuous crimes against humanity.

The purposes for establishing systems of colonialism and apartheid:

* a) To enslave the African Negro peoples in perpetual mental bondage with selective but limited freedoms to a chosen few. Create chaotic conditions. Maintain African “Civil Society” in European control.

* b) Control plantations and mining operations solely to extract mineral and agricultural resources for Whites only.

* c) Maintain an ignorant class of labourers to work the mines and plantations.

* d) After Containment declare corporate sovereign domain of all productive land and water resources.

* e) Utilize containment, sanctions, or invasion for governments in rebellion against White Supremacy aka Colonialism, Apartheid, and Western Democracy.

* f)Dismantle and or disrupt any indigenous African educational and self governing institutions.

Two recent events stand out that demonstrate racism and apartheid mindsets in 2010. The United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (Unesco) and the Cecil Rhodes University are now teaching "How To Report on Africa". Imagine an Adolf Hitler University teaching How To Report on Jews?

I am asking these questions because “UNESCO and Rhodes University have teamed up to roll out an online discussion that will culminate in researching, developing and disseminating a possible syllabus on reporting Africa, based on the Unesco Model Curricula for Journalism Education.”

The second event which clearly demonstrates the continuous White supremacy and apartheid business 2010 mindset is:

“De Beers, the world’s largest diamond conglomerate, partnered with the government of Botswana in 1969 to form Debswana Diamond Company, Ltd. After 40 years, it seems that the working relationship is on the verge of collapse after a confidential Slaughter and May report was leaked, showing that De Beers has made tens of billions without sharing their profits.

Nicky Oppenheimer and Gary Ralf—made over $72 billion, while the Ministry of Minerals and all other Botswana partners received nothing.

Why should southern Africa prepare or avoid a race war?

The violent death of white supremacist Eugene Terre’Blanche is a sign of Africa's future. Thousands of Nazi sympathisers living in Africa attended his funeral in uniforms of war.

”We think it was an assassination, not a murder,” said Andre Visagie, secretary-general of Terre’Blanche’s Afrikaner Resistance Movement (AWB), outside his farm.”

These Nazi Christian churchgoers, mourners “sang the apartheid-era national anthem…The old South African flag and the party’s flag – which resembles the Nazi swastika – fluttered from pick-up trucks. Police were out in force and helicopters hovered above streets where few black South Africans were to be seen. The church lifted its usual "whites only" restriction to allow in black journalists.”

Hon. Nelson Mandela and His Holiness Bishop Desmond Tutu should be required to provide an explanation for allowing this Christian 'Nazi' Apartheid institutions to live in South Africa; allowed to sing the Apartheid-era national anthem; maintain their Christian 'Nazi' Apartheid Churches lifting its racist segregationist ban on Africans to allow a “temporary whites” status to Black journalists.

This is going on in South Africa? Mandela’s and Tutu’s South Africa? 'Nazis' allowed to exist in South Africa? Yet both these individuals hold questionable views concerning the government of Zimbabwe rooting this Apartheid plague. Is this the reason why Britain, the European Union, and United States are insisting that MDC Roy Bennett be included in the Zimbabwe government?

The Honourable Julius Malema, President of the African National Congress Youth League was publicly condemned by the white and African news media and SA courts for singing the song: “Shoot the Boer.” His own ANC asked him to refrain from singing a song about people who murdered and enslaved his people, established Apartheid, nearly destroyed the African family utility, who relocated the entire South African population to the poorest parts of non-arable land, and, who presently control South Africa and have not paid reparations nor restitution for their Crimes Against African Humanity.

"We are here today to declare war and avenge the death of our leader,” said one 46-year-old businessman from the north-eastern Mpumalanga province, who did not want to be named.

"Most white men between 35-55 have military training and we are prepared to use our skills."

In Apartheid America during the 1960’s Reverend James Forman declared to racist whites the following: If we (Black People) cannot sit down at the table of democracy and discuss justice than we’ll kick the ‘god damn’ legs off!”

Black American Ambassador, Statesman, and Ex-Slave Frederick Douglass spoke on Apartheid aka the Peculiar Institution - Slavery:

“Frederick Douglass: Douglass after his first meeting with [White Abolitionist warrior John Brown] Brown lent his own editorial emphasis to the Society’s resolution—“that slaveholders, as such, can have no rights. They have no rightful existence on earth.” Douglass elaborated this resolution with the Locke-style explanation that slaveholders, by their behavior, had forfeited all right to be numbered with the human family.

‘Slaveholders have no rights more than any other thief or pirate. They have forfeited even the right to live, and if the slave should put every one of them to the sword tomorrow, who dare pronounce the penalty disproportioned to the crim

‘[N]ever were there, never can there be more sacred rights to defend than were menaced by slave hunters…Life and liberty are the most sacred of all man’s rights. If these may be invaded with impunity, all others may be, for they comprehend all others…The man who rushes out of the orbit of his own rights, to strike down the rights of another, does, by that act, divest himself of the right to live: if he be shot down, his punishment is just.”

I say Shoot the Boer like Bob Marley shot the Sherriff but didn’t shoot the Deputy.

Lady Winnie Madikizela Mandela our sign of hope

Press statements attributed to Lady Winnie Madikizela-Mandela concerning Nelson Mandela have elements of fact; if true; I maintain the following:

She is human enough to demand under what ecclesiastical, legal, and/or moral foundation, citation, or law can the South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission (SATRC) conclude that after decades of Apartheid and Colonialism that siphoned off more than 4 Trillion Dollars, caused millions of deaths, illegally seized land; forced the relocation of indigenous owners to non-arable deserted areas; and, systematically destroyed the African Family Utility; was all reduced by SATRC to a Police Brutality Case?

In my view Lady Madikizela-Mandela is asking: Is there a Statute of Limitation on Crimes Against Humanity?

Apartheid and Colonialism are Crimes Against Humanity? Why? Because the white founders, installers, and financial beneficiaries of Apartheid in Southern Africa have not spent one day in jail, nor paid one dollar for their crimes.

“Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.” Voltaire.

I would like to ask His Holiness Bishop Tutu what scripture in any religion justifies an apology for intentional War Crimes against helpless people? Warships, cannons, machine guns, chemical warfare, and deceit were used against African bow and arrows, and spears in the name of Western Christian progress.

Bishop Tutu recently said the Colonial West should make war on Zimbabwe to effect regime change. Why? I am reminded of an African statesman during colonial times who stated:

“What absurdities will not men defend! If the Gospel will tolerate slavery, what will it not authorize [slavery, apartheid and colonialism]?

“When the White People came to Africa they had the Bible and Africans had the land; now today, Africans have the Bible and White People have the land. Something is fishy.” Properly put; today Africans have the Holy Bible and no land, and Whites have the land and no Holy Bible.

On behalf of all Africans who perished in the mines and plantations, those who were relocated to desert locations to live in squalor, and the thousands sold into slavery in the Southern African branch of the European TransAtlantic Slave Trade, I refer to John MacArthur’s “Grace To You” ministries for a legal but moral opinion.

Grace To You ministries promote very important moral and theological questions that can be applied to former and neo colonial aggressors (EU & US).

“Answering the Hard Questions About Forgiveness – But What If There Is Reason To Think That the Offender’s “Repentance” Is a Sham?

‘In normal circumstances, love obliges us to assume the best about those who profess repentance (1 Cor. 13:7). Scripture does suggest, however, that there are certain times when it is legitimate to demand fruits of repentance before assuming that someone’s profession of repentance is genuine (Matt. 3:8; Luke 3:8).’

‘When Is Restitution Appropriate?’

‘Whenever an actual loss has been caused by a wrong, restitution is certainly appropriate. The granting of forgiveness for the guilt of the offense does not automatically nullify the need to make reparations, especially when the injured party’s loss is quantifiable. Whether the loss was caused deliberately (as in a theft) or accidentally (through some form of negligence), restitution should be made.”

‘What Is the Difference Between True Repentance and a Mere Apology?’

‘Genuine repentance always involves a confession of wrongdoing and a willingness to make things right. An apology often takes the form of an excuse.’

‘The word apology comes from the Greek apologia, which literally means “a speech in defense of.” Apologies are often nothing more than self-defense: “I’m sorry if you took offense, but . . .”

Genuine repentance is properly expressed in an admission of wrongdoing and a plea for forgiveness: “It was unthoughtful of me to say that. Will you forgive me?”

I believe the African National Congress is duty bound by the Law of Nature and the Honour of their Ancestors who left Southern Africans in Custodial Charge of their land to initiate a Truth and Reconciliation Restitution Court for Corporate Crimes Against Humanity in South Africa and Zimbabwe.

A blind ignorant fool would have demanded that the least penalty for Apartheid and Colonial victims is a Free Education up to a University, High-Tech Technical College, or an Agriculture and Building Trade Skill Certification.

A special Note to the MDC and ANC:

Allow me Distinguished Africans to remind you of a Cambridge University Press publication “The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade – A Database on CD-ROM” containing the records of 27,233 “sadistic” trans-Atlantic slave ship voyages. ‘These records, the most complete possible at this time, account for perhaps 70 percent of the Atlantic slave trade…’

Records maintained in the Royal African Company, the Naval Office shipping returns, the Royal Navy, British Public Records Office, and Lloyd’s Registers of Shipping or Lloyd’s List are written manifestations of corporate sadistic behavior alongside English & American state sponsored global terrorism.

‘12 million departures from Africa and 10.5 million arrivals in the various reception zones. It should be noted that these estimates include trade to some areas, particularly the Mascarene Islands that the Du Bois Institute data set does not purport to cover. If we exclude these areas then what we might call the scholarly consensus figures would be 11.8 million departures and 10.3 million arrivals. If we further exclude voyages setting out before 1600—on the basis that the Du Bois Institute set contains only a few such ships—then the consensus figures would be 11.4 million departing and 10 million arriving.’

‘In the present set, the average number of slaves on board a slave ship as it left Africa was 332.0; an average of 281.1 per ship arrived in the Americas. Division of these averages into the aforementioned "consensus" aggregates suggests a total of between 34,482 voyages based on numbers leaving Africa and 35,561 voyages based on numbers disembarking slaves.’

The London-based Royal African Company (RAC) defined children as about ten years of age or younger. For most of the British and French slave trades, a height (about four feet four inches) and/or age (about fourteen years) criterion distinguished adults from children.

The Du Bois Institute data set includes variables for adult males ("men"), adult females ("women"), male children ("boys"), female children ("girls"), adults, children, and infants (reported often as "infants at the breast").

America, Britain, and Europe’s 500 year personality disorder is historically demonstrated in the sadistic decimation of the native populations of New Zealand, Australia, North, Central, and South America. Today in 2010 whites have yet to repent, show mercy, or provide restitution.

The West decimated the animal populations for sport and profit. The millions of Elephants massacred so the West can play pool billiards with ivory balls, played their ivory keyed pianos, had hung ivory tusks as trophies.

American and European society openly exhibits visible testaments of their past crimes in public museums. Take a tour, make a visit, and see for yourself.

And, without embarrassment, unapologetically pontificate sanctimoniously before the world human rights, religion, and democracy to the very victims of your government’s maltreatment. The West are not ashamed for their Crimes Against African Humanity because the African is not defined as human.

PS: Concerning the “Sanctions” assault against the people of Zimbabwe; should one advocate the lifting of sanctions or should one investigate the criminal implications of economically blockading and embargoing a nation simply because a particular nation has the power to do so; is the act of sanctioning legal?

In America if the Republican Party accepted foreign funds solely for the purpose of removing the Democratic Party from power; sanctioning President Barack Obama’s entire staff from traveling abroad to Europe and Asia; restricted banking, manufacturing, educational, and medicinal corporations from any contact with Obama’s staff under penalty of prison and fines: the Democratic Party would have every right to declare War, enact a state of emergency, and maintain a national security mode at all times.

How involved is Roy Bennett with South African 'Apartheid Nazism' should be of prime importance.

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