Sunday, June 20, 2010

Changwe’s case is a test to Rupiah - Kazabu

Changwe’s case is a test to Rupiah - Kazabu
By Mwala Kalaluka
Sun 20 June 2010, 04:01 CAT

FORMER Kitwe mayor Luxon Kazabu yesterday said President Rupiah Banda is on trial in the matter where gender deputy minister Lucy Changwe bounced a K10 million cheque on a house purchase transaction.

But President Banda yesterday said he has not yet received the letter from the Mkushi resident, Rogers Musonda, the one to whom Changwe issued the cheque that bounced.

Commenting on revelations by Musonda that the cheque that Changwe issued to him as part payment towards the purchase of a house bounced, Kazabu said Changwe’s case was a test to President Banda.

“We have a precedent. Honourable (George) Mpombo who in fact got money from a friend because of the mutual relationship between the two was at electronic speed arrested and charged for that offence of bouncing a cheque,” Kazabu said in an interview from Kitwe. “So really not only myself but the whole nation is expecting the police to move on this case with the same speed.”

Kazabu said if this was not done, the police would be telling the whole world that Zambia was a country with a dual justice system.

“Which actually can’t be accepted as we are all equal in the eyes of the law,” he said. “And this one (Changwe’s case) should be taken much more seriously because we are dealing with a minister and if ministers are going to behave in that manner they will not have the people’s confidence.”

Kazabu agreed that President Banda was aware of the matter since he had been written to.

“It is a test for the President because we have come to know now,” Kazabu said. “The President is actually on trial. He has to prove to the people of Zambia, the Constitution that he swore to uphold requires him to take appropriate action where a government leader, in this case Lucy Changwe, commits an offence under the Penal Code.”

Several other people have demanded for the immediate prosecution of Changwe over the bounced cheque issue involving a Mkushi resident who sold a house to her.

In his letter to President Banda, the resident, Musonda, said being the father of the nation he was of the strong belief that President Banda would help him in the matter.

Musonda stated that the cheque issued in his favour by Changwe, who is also Mkushi North MMD parliamentarian, was meant to be a delayed part payment of the first agreed installment of the house purchase, which was due on December 16, 2009.

But President Banda said through his press aide Dickson Jere that he had not yet received Musonda’s letter.

“His Excellency has not yet received the letter. He will give his response once he receives the said letter,” said Jere in response to a press query.

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