
Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Chief Chikanta urges Zambians to initiate own development projects

Chief Chikanta urges Zambians to initiate own development projects
By Christopher Miti in Petauke
Tue 08 June 2010, 09:40 CAT

HOUSE of Chiefs vice chairperson chief Chikanta of Kalomo has appealed to Zambians to initiate development in their own areas.

During the launch of My Home Town branch in Petauke last week Friday, chief Chikanta said people should not wait for leaders to initiate development for them.

“The concept of My Home Town encourages people to initiate development in their areas. You will not expect Mr James Ndambo My Home Town initiator to come and develop Petauke if you don’t do it yourself. So the concept is that a lot of people must initiate development for their own area so that others can just assist you,” chief Chikanta said.

He urged people like former Bank of Zambia (BoZ) governor Dr Jacob Mwanza who hails from Petauke to help initiate development in the district.

He appealed to other members of parliament to emulate Petauke Central parliamentarian Dora Siliya who hosted the launch of My Home Town programme.

Chief Chikanta said Siliya was the only parliamentarian who had replicated My Home Town project outside Southern Province.

“This is the first branch that has been brought by a member of parliament. We have never heard from any member of parliament from Lusaka because that membership was not taken there by an MP, it was taken by other interested people,” chief Chikanta said.

“Dora may not be an MP 10 or 20 years from today but people will remember her for what she has started. People must remember you for what you leave, because your positions are different from ours. Chiefs, we are chiefs until we die, so we shall meet the MPs that will come, they will go others will come. We were chiefs when Kaunda Kaunda was president, we were chiefs when Frederick Chiluba was president even during Levy Mwanawasa even now RB he will leave us until others come, that’s why we are very important in these programmes even these people you call permanent secretaries they are not permanent but chiefs are,” chief Chikanta said.

Senior chief Nalubamba said those who understood My Home Town concept could not get lost in the world.

“If you understand My Home Town development concept you can never be a dependant. If you understand the James Ndambo initiative and apply it correctly and technically then you are not lost in the development world, you got what you want in the development world,” chief Nalubamba said.

He said My Home Town concept could make a town like Petauke a gold mine.
My Home Town managing director Silas Mungala said his organization was mainly based on unlocking people’s potential.

Mungala said My Home Town had assisted three councils in the country and provided funds for the completion of a school in Choma District among many other things.

Mungala said the organization had a membership drawn from1 12 countries.

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