
Friday, June 11, 2010

Chiluba is a stubborn unrepentant thief - Lubinda

Chiluba is a stubborn unrepentant thief - Lubinda
By Patson Chilemba
Fri 11 June 2010, 14:10 CAT

FREDERICK Chiluba is a stubbornly unrepentant thief, Patriotic Front (PF) spokesperson Given Lubinda charged yesterday. And Lubinda said Chiluba belongs to prison and would surely go there once President Rupiah Banda was out of office.

Commenting on the continued booing of former president Chiluba by Copperbelt residents, Lubinda said people would have expected Chiluba, after falling from grace to be humble and meek to the people he had stolen from.

"The position of President is a position of honour. Now his misconduct was tantamount to staging a coup de grace. He had lost all the grace that he had. All the honour of the Office of the President was taken away from him because of his misconduct. And anybody who suffers that kind of experience feels sorry for themselves and lie low," Lubinda said.

"They don't go round bouncing around, harassing people at the expense of being booed. They don't, that is not normal behaviour. That kind of behaviour is only expected from people whose genetic formulation is abrasive against normal behaviour."

Lubinda asked Chiluba to humble himself and repent for his thieving activities against Zambians.

"People who cannot see their wrong cannot be expected to repent. Such are the ones who are referred to as stubbornly unrepentant people. And that is a category where Chiluba belongs," Lubinda charged.

Lubinda said Chiluba was so shameless that despite the humiliation he had suffered on the Copperbelt he had continued to pretend as if everything was okay.

He said Chiluba might outwardly try to portray that everything was alright when he was very troubled as a result of the hostility he had encountered on the Copperbelt.

Lubinda said Chiluba was campaigning through the pain barrier because he had no choice but to show gratitude to President Banda who secured his freedom.

"You see Mr Chiluba is at pains to try and pay back to Rupiah Banda for the temporary freedom that he was given by Rupiah Banda after Rupiah meddled with his court case. So now he is at pains, he wants to pay back to Rupiah Banda. That is the reason why he is doing all what he is doing on the Copperbelt," Lubinda said.

"Chiluba knows very well that he misappropriated public funds and he belongs to prison. So for him everyday when he works up and sees he is not in prison he has to pay back to Rupiah Banda."

Lubinda said Chiluba knew without doubt that President Banda would be out of office come the 2011 general elections.

"In the same vein he Chiluba will go into prison. So he wants to put in everything that he has because his saviour in this matter is not Jesus Christ, it is Rupiah Banda," said Lubinda.

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